Chapter Five

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I moved into the Hades cabin that night. The blackness is calming and comforting. Also in my cabin is a boy with dark hair named Nico. "Welcome!" ye said. "I'm Nico. I'm the head counselor. Since there's only two of us, we can decide on our activities together. The camp rules are really simple. You can't sit with other cabins at meals and you can't summon monsters. That's about it." He eyes me suspiciously. "Are you really...?" I bite my lip. "The daughter of Medusa?" I duck my head. "Yeah." Nico puts a hand on my shoulder. "Hey, it's okay. When everyone found out I was the son of Hades, I was an outcast. But now I have a ton of friends here, and you will too." I smile. "Thanks." He claps his hand on my shoulder. "No problem. You should get some sleep. You start activities tomorrow." I nod. I pull off my sweater and crawl into the top bunk across Nico's bed. My head hits the pillow and I sink into sleep.

I wake up scared and confused because I don't remember where I am. Only when Nico's face comes into focus do I remember: I am at Camp Half-Blood. I yawn and stretch. "Morning." I say. He's still asleep. I decide to have fun with him. I creep silently down my ladder. Then, super carefully, I move Nico's ladder under his bed. I take pillows from other bunks and make a line next to Nico's bunk. Then I climb back into bed. I grab a pillow I took from another bunk and gently toss it at Nico. "Wake up." I say. He opens his eyes. "Hey, Bailey." Still half asleep, he swings himself off the bed, groping for the ladder. When it's not there, he falls on the pillows. He curses in ancient Greek. I crack up. "Damn you, Bailey!" He yells, but he's laughing. I slide down my ladder and retrieve his. After I secure the ladder, he sneaks up behind me and tosses me over his shoulder. I shriek with laughter. I kick him in the leg, but he holds on. He barrels out the door, me cracking up and shrieking. "Perce!" He yells, and a moment later I hear Annabeth shrieking. Percy runs up next to us and I lock eyes with Annabeth. She laughs hysterically. We're carried a little further, then Nico deposits me on the grass next to Annabeth. Nico starts ticking me and Percy does Annabeth. I shriek with laughter. "Stop! Stop!" I yell, swatting his hands. Percy leans over and kisses Annabeth. Nico rolls off me, and before I can catch my breath, someone is kissing me. I don't push off and I don't stop because it just feels so right. This can only be one thing. True love. After a few moments, I open my eyes to see a pair of deep brown eyes staring back at me. The boy rolls off of me and I look at him. Long nose, shaggy brown hair and a really gorgeous smile. "Hi," I say. He grins. "Hi." I stare at him. "Who are you and why were you kissing me?" I ask playfully. He laughs. "I'm Dylan, son of Apollo. I kissed you because Ali from the Aphrodite cabin said I was meant to be with you. Who are you and why were you kissing me back?" I laugh. "I'm Bailey, daughter of Hades and Medusa." He doesn't even flinch. "I kissed you back because Ali from Aphrodite was right." He laughs. "So, if Ali was right, would you mind-" I kiss him again before he can finish.

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