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Five Years Later

"Bailey Shane," Dylan says, getting down on knee. "Will you marry me?" He pulls out a small diamond ring. I hold out my hand. "Of course." He slides the ring on my finger, stands up and twirls me around, kissing me. I haven't loved him so much since the night in the clearing. 

Ten Years Later

I hold our daughter Lacey in my arms. "Do you, Jack Velecto take Silena Beauregard to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Jack smiles. "I do." "And do you, Silena Beaureguard take Jack Velecto to be your husband?" Silena bounces on the balls of her feet. "I do." I grin. "I now pronounce you husband and wife." I clap and cheer with everyone else as the couple kisses.

Eleven Years Later

I returned to Camp Half-Blood today with Dylan, Lacey, Jack, Silena and their daughter Katrina. Chiron thinks the babies will be some sort of expanded half-blood, though it's too soon to tell. It has been eleven years since I sat in the wheelchair. It has been eleven years since I first kissed Dylan. It has been eleven years since Silena and Jack met. In a way, our lives are normal again. But they will never completely be, because it has been eleven years since Nico died. I know he's in Elysium somewhere. Someday, I wil meet him there. He will grin at me, punch me lightly on the arm and say "Took you long enough."

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