Chapter Six

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The next few days were amazing. Dylan taught me how to decently shoot and arrow and taught me some sword fighting. We kissed, by my count, no less that fifteen times over the course of a week. I also tricked him into letting me turn him to stone. The effort of doing it and turning him back was exhausting, though. So after each time, we would lie in the commons area in just relax in the sun. Maybe it's just my imagination, but Ali from Aphrodite seems to be around every time we kiss, I guess just to make sure that we work out. 

Dylan and I went on our first official date a week later. We sneaked out after dark and had a picnic on the beach. He hoisted me onto his back and ran me to the beach. He dropped me into the sand and I could barely stand I was laughing so hard. Dylan had packed a supreme late night dinner of bread, goat cheese, grape juice and fresh strawberries. He also brought along a little container filled with melted chocolate that he dipped the strawberries into and fed to me. I touch a small bruise on his cheekbone. "What's this?" I ask. He touches the bruise absently. "It's nothing." At one point, when he wasn't looking, I took the last bit of chocolate and dumped it on his head. He tossed me over his shoulder and we barreled into the ocean. The chocolate melted off him, and we surfaced for air. With only our torsos above water, he kissed me and I kissed him. I don't know what he tasted, but my end was all salt and chocolate.

The next day, Annabeth took me to the stables to meet the pegasi after dinner. Most backed away from me (it's the smell of death) but one seem attracted to me. He was a big, strong and pure white. I approached him tentatively, and he didn't shy away, so I patted his nose. He snorted, and Silena Beauregard, who teaches the riding classes, said "His name is Arrington." Arrington snuffed. Silena gestured for me to get on, so I slid onto his back. He ruffled his wings and trotted out of the stables. I held tight to the reins as he soars off. I can see the whole camp spread out below me. I see the cabins, the sword fighting arena, the beach, the field where Dylan and I had our first kiss. Arrington glides around for a little then circles back to the ground. I laugh as he trots to Silena. "Well?" she asks, grinning expectantly. "I love it." I say. Silena smiles wider. "Good. Nico hates them." I snuggled my face into Arrington's mane. "Who could hate these?" She smiled again. Silena smiles a lot, not that I'm complaining.

After the pegasus ride, I headed back to my cabin. Nico is there when I walk in. "Hello." he says, oddly formal. "Hi?" I say. I turn to my bunk. My ladder's gone. "Ha, ha." I say. "Real funny. It's not like I wouldn't notice." I slide under Nico's bunk and pull out the ladder. There's a sound like a tight string being plucked, and a bucket of water dumps on my head. Nico looses it, laughing hysterically. I pull the water down my hair and flick the ends at him. Still chuckling, Nico tosses me a pair of black pajamas. I duck out of the cabin and head to the bathroom. I see a figure ahead of me. I duck behind a tree. The air gets cold. I drop the pajamas. All of the sudden, someone comes up behind me and shoves me into a tree. All the winds gets knocked out of me. The person drags my hands behind my back and ties them. I gasp, still struggling for air. A strip of black cloth is yanked across my eyes. My attacker spins my around, and I think it's over. Then, something whacks me hard in the stomach. I slide down the tree, trying to remember how to breathe. I cough and sputter. He/she grabs my shoulders and shoves my on my back onto the groud, which doesn't help the breathing situation. I thrash wildly, trying to get them off me. I finally shake off the blindfold and see my attacker's face. I gasp, this time not struggling for air. My attacker has a piece of tape and a needle in his hands. He has shaggy brown hair, a long nose, and a currently unsmiling mouth. "Dylan?!" I gasp. It is him, some twisted form. His eyes are bloodshot and tears glisten in his eyes. In my moment of shock, Dylan covers my mouth with the tape and jams the needle into my neck, and I black out.

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