Chapter Twelve

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We burned Nico's shroud the next night. After the ceremony, I went back to the cabin. I dragged myself into Nico's bunk. It still has his smell. I rest my head on Nico's pillow and let loose. I sob. Maybe for a few minutes, maybe for hours. I miss him, I miss him so much. It's no fair. I wish I had never found out I was a demigod. He would still be here. I hear someone enter the cabin. Dylan climbs wordlessly next to me. He takes me in his arms. I hold him tight. "I have some good news." I sniff. "What?" He picks me up and jumps off the bed. I slide into my wheelchair. My leg is going to be paralyzed for a little from Ryan. Dylan limps slightly from the wound in his thigh. I wheel out of the cabin. There is a small crowd around Thalia's tree. In the center is a demigod, Chiron, and a satyr. Chiron catches sight of me and beckons me over. I wheel over. "Bailey, I'd like you to meet your brother, Jack." Jack is tall and handsome, and looks so much like Nico. I struggle out of my wheelchair. "Bailey, I don't think you should-" Dylan starts, putting his hands on my shoulder. "I'm okay." I struggle to my feet and limp over to him, dragging my bad leg behind me. Jack envelopes me in a huge hug, and I cry a little into his shoulder. I sniff and draw back a little. "Hi," I say. He grins crookedly. "Hi. You must be Bailey." I nod. "Do you wanna see the cabin?" Jack nods. I sit back in the chair and Dylan pushes me back to the cabin. Jack looks at the cabin. "Cool." Dylan lifts me out of the chair and carries me in. He goes up on his toes slightly and places me on the bed. "So you can have the bottom of either bunk." Jack doesn't even question the availability of Nico's bed, for which I am grateful. I rub my leg. Every time I sit in the chair, I think of Ryan's sneer, and the expression on Dylan's face when Ryan shot me. I will never forget the night when I though I had lost him at the hands of Ryan, both when we were at Caloses's warehouse and when I was chained to that tree, helpless. Dylan jumps on the bed next to me and I kiss him lightly on the cheek. "So Chiron will give you a tour, and you'll be settled in no time." I say. Jack swings up next to me. Dylan and Jack put an arm each around my shoulders. I put my head on Dylan's shoulder, and Jack puts his head on mine. I am so glad to have these boys with me. I truly am.

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