Chapter Thirteen

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I gave Jack a tour of the camp the next day. The last thing I showed him was Silena Beauregard, which he really liked. I left them alone after and wheeled to the beach. I look out to the ocean. The scene is beautiful. The gorgeous blue-green sea meeting the orange sunset. I think about what Ryan said. You knew you were going to die Bailey. You knew it from the moment you found out who your mother is. I wonder if this is true. Bailey. A voice whispers inside my head. "Hades?" I say aloud. Yes. "Why did you-" I was enchantedBailey, listen to me. You are dangerous, but no one wants to kill you. You are also a powerful. "Am I safe?" Yes. You will be for a long, long time, Bailey. I promise. I smile. "Thanks," I pause a moment before saying, "Dad."

Dylan took me on another date the next day. He lifted me in his arms and carried me to a patch of strawberries. He tossed me on his back and we picked strawberries for an hour. Afterwards, we went for a hike into the forrest. It was my first time there since Nico's death. It was painful, but the forrest in August is beautiful. The nymphs seem more energetic and the plants all seem more lively. We found a small clearing bathed in sunlight and ate the strawberries. Then we lay on our backs until nightfall and looked at the stars. He reaches over and takes my hand. I love him. I know it for real now. He is here in my heart forever, and I know I'm in his. I would gladly lay here for a thousand years, frozen in time. Just holding his hand, looking at the stars. 

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