Chapter Seven

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When I wake up, I can't see anything. My wrists are tied and I am hanging from them. The tape on my mouth is replaced with a gag. My whole body hurts, and I have the feeling I am badly bruised and bleeding in places. I barely remembered what happened last night, but I know it involved Dylan. I try to get my bearings. I shake my head as silently as I can, because I get the feeling some one is in here. The blindfold is tied tight. I focus all my energy from my mother on the blindfold. It turns to stone. The tie breaks and the stone clatters to the ground. I blink to fix my sight and see something I wish I hadn't. Dylan is on the floor, his shirt torn away. His face and torso are bruised and bloody. He lies on the floor, sobbing. His wrists are chained to the wall. "I did what you asked!" He cries. "Leave me alone!" A figure above him holds a whip. I can't see his face, only his feet and the hand holding the whip. "You came a day late." The figure says calmly. "I-I couldn't get her alone, my Lord." Dylan sputters. "You are lying, Dylan." The figure says teasingly. He brings the whip down hard on Dylan's rib cage. Dylan screams in pain, and turns to face me. "I'm so sorry," he gasps, "I had no choice." The figure walks out of the shadows. He is handsome in an evil way, with sharp features and a crooked smile. "Ah," he says, "I see our guest has awoken." He pulls my gag off. I strain against my bonds. "Leave him alone!" I yell. "No, Bailey, don't." Dylan calls. The man's smile widens to a wicked grin. He takes a knife out of his pocket. I wince, but he cuts me down with one stroke. My wrists free, I turn towards Dylan and take his face in my hands. "Bailey..." He says. "Sh," I say, stroking hair off his face. "Bailey, move!" He says. I turn, and the whip connects with full force onto my shoulder. I cry out in agony. My vision goes black for a minute. "I'm sorry, Bailey, but we can't have you living. A child of Medusa and Hades would only result in disaster." The man says. I look at him. He takes a short, heavy-looking black pole and brings it down hard on my rib cage. I scream. I tentatively touch the spot, and wince in pain. At least two of my ribs are broken. He grabs my foot and drags me away from Dylan. I whimper as my ribs drag across the rough stone floor. He drags me to my feet and I realize my ankle is broken. He re-ties my wrists and hangs me up again. He then crosses to Dylan. "Stop!" I yell. "Don't hurt him!" The man only ties a gag over Dylan's mouth. "I'll deal with you later." He hisses. He paces slowly towards me. I'm sobbing. Pain has taken over my entire body, physical and emotional. He smiles his cruel smile again. "Well Bailey," he says, "you and I should have some fun together."

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