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A/N: If you haven't read the 1st book plz read it otherwise nothing will make sense.


Harvey's P.O.V

Who told Jake? Only one true way to find out, ask him.


H: Hello?

J: Hello Harvey, I hope you and Bailey are having fun together

H: No, were not because we don't know who told you that we were together

J: Okay

H: Who told you Jake?

J: I don't know if I should tell you because this person asked for me not to tell you

H: Just spit it out Jake

J: Fine it was...

Harvey's P.O.V

Jake is just about to tell me who ruined Bailey's life, the person who I would give what they deserved, the person who told Jake that Bailey and I are a couple.

Jake: Fine it was...

Names flew through my mind, Dylan? Kade? Macy? Dobby?
Then Jake said the last thing I wanted to hear

Jake: Someone you will have to figure out yourself

Harvey: Jake! You said you would tell me!

Jake: I did. But I guess I lied.

Harvey: That's not fair!

Jake: Neither is life so get used to it!

Harvey: I hate you, and I will find out who did it

Jake: I count on it. I can't wait until you find out.

I hung up. I hate him. "Who is it?" Max asked anxiously
"No idea" I mumbled
"Did he not tell you?" Max asked surprisingly
"No, he didn't. Otherwise I would have told you, wouldn't I Sherlock?" I spat
Max mumbled something but it was too quiet for me to hear, then he ran upstairs without saying anything else.

I lay on the couch feeling completely broken. The front door then creaked open, dammit mum's probably home, yay (hear the sarcasm?) "Harvey?" A quiet voice asked, it sounded like they had been crying. Okay so it's not mum. Bailey?
"Yes?" I said more excitedly, I wanted to see Bailey again, even though we were in a bad situation, I just wanted to see her. "Can I come in?"
"Of course!" I exclaimed walking into the entrance, then I stopped dead in my tracks, Naomi.
"Naomi" I said sounding surprised "Do you know?" I asked nervously, she nodded then hugged me understandingly.
"I will always love you Harvey, but I know you don't love me. Could we still be friends?" She asked in tears, I knew how hard it was to have the one you love reject you. I wiped one of her tears away then hugged her "Of coarse" I whispered
"I will always be there for you"
"And I for you" I agreed as we broke our hug
"Goodbye Harvey" she waved
"Goodbye Naomi" I waved back. I guess that was easier than expected, but it broke my heart knowing how broken her's must be knowing that I used her to get to Bailey. I'm surprised she still wants to be friends but I'm glad, I really want to get to know her as a friend.

Max's P.O.V

I heard someone open the door and thought it was mum so I opened my bedroom door and started to head for the stairs when I saw Naomi enter, then I saw Harvey's shocked face. Did she know? She looked sad therefore she must. Was she mad? Probably, girls get mad a lot, I've learned that from being with Jackie. Oh yeah did I mention we broke up? Well we did, after Harvey's 'accident' we broke up, I can't remember why but we did. I don't mind, in fact I'm happy we broke up, however I'm not going to tell anyone I'm happy we broke up because they'll want to why, and that is a secret I will tell no one. Ever.

I needed to get some air, I felt so cramped in our house, there was so much tension you cut it with a knife.
"I'm going to play football with Dobby again, I'll be back in an hour," I yelled to Harvey.
"Okay!" He yelled back sounding as if he was in a distant world or thinking really hard (Do you know what I mean, when you're thinking real hard and your like half present?)
I walked out of the door and headed for the park. Let me just say, it was the second worst decision of my life. And here's why.

I walked through the backstreets of Berkshire, they were the kind of streets that would be confusing to anyone who didn't know them as well as I do. I wasn't actually going to the park to play football. I was just walking, getting my brain away from everything that was going with Bailey, Harvey and Jake, I was walking to get away from my relationship with Jackie, the girl who I half love, but know she's not the one. I was walking to get away from all the drama in my life, I was walking away from my life and everything happening in it.

I can't fully remember how it happened, but I remember seeing a familiar face in the corner of my eye so I turned around to see who it was.
"You" I'd said much too loud, the person had turned around and got a good look at me, they scowled.
"Max Mills" the person sneered
"Dylan" I sneered back.
"I heard about Bailey and Harvey" he laughed "but I'm sure it doesn't bother you that their together does it? Because your with Jackie, oh wait you broke up, is that because you love Bailey?"
"Of coarse not" I spat.
"You sure? Remember what Miss. Alan used to say when we'd cheat on our tests? Your only lying to yourself." Dylan smiled, he had an evil smile to him, a smile that I hated, it reminded me of a school bully with nothing better to do except pick on people.
"Shut up Dylan," I snapped
"Honestly you sound like Harry Potter now," Dylan laughed
"Then that makes you Draco Malfoy"
"And Bailey is Hermione, it's just a shame you don't have her to tell you I'm a rotten cockroach who's not worth it," Dylan snarled.
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I heard Dylan's obnoxious voice say something, then I tasted blood. I felt a fist thrust against my face, then another, the agonising pain twisted through my body like a disease. I screamed in pain, squirming as Dylan hit me again and again before stopping and giving me time to get to my hands and knees before giving me a final kick in the stomach. I winced in pain falling onto the ground clutching my stomach and groaning. "I win Potter." Dylan whispered into my ear. Then everything went black.

Plz vote and comment cause I like reading comments. Tell me what you thought of this chapter and who you think told Jake about Bailey.


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