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Bailey's P.O.V

Jake stepped aside to reveal non other that Dylan, of course he did. Of course it was Dylan, Jake and Dylan. Are both lying, deceiving snakes with nothing better to do than kill others hopes and dreams. "You know Bailey, I'd be willing to let you sing again," Jake said in a tone that made him sound similar to Professor Snape. I gave Jake a suspicious look, there must be a catch. "If, you do a couple duets with, Dylan," he smiled gesturing to Dylan. What's wrong with him? How could I work with Dylan? How can Jake take Dylan on as a client? "No thanks, I don't work with animals, especially not snakes," I scoffed holding Harvey's hand tightly,
"Well you seem to work with sheep, Harvey over there just follows Mary everywhere she goes," Dylan smiled trying not to laugh at his own joke, I rolled my eyes then started to walk towards the door, I felt Harvey's presence behind me as he followed "See he's following you now, he just proved my point," Dylan continued not bothering to hide his laughter. I rolled my eyes and reached back asking for Harvey's hand, but he didn't give it to me, instead he gave it to Dylan's nose. Dylan cursed then scowled at Harvey, "You B***ard," he cursed not swinging at Harvey "Get your dog under control, Bailey."
"Bailey, Harvey get out you have no business here," Jake growled pointing towards the door. I stormed out of the studio enraged.

"He's so stupid," Harvey mumbled
"No Harvey you are! You gave into him, you let him get to you!" I yelled back at him walking back to my house. I heard my name being called by Harvey but I did n't reply I couldn't talk to him right now without saying something I'd regret. Harvey ran after me and grabbed my wrist, I tried to shake him off but he was stronger than me. Harvey stopped and turned me around to face him, "I'm sorry," he apologised, but his voice was strong not sympathetic like it should be
"No your not, and I don't want to talk to you right now so leave me alone," I spat ripping my hand out of Harey's grip while he was still letting my words sink in. "Fine, were over then," Harvey yelled at me as I walked away. I gulped and blinked slowly trying to stop the tears I'd already been fighting back, "Fine!" I yelled back not even stopping to think about what I was saying or was about to say, "I never liked you anyway, I just felt sorry for you."

Max's P.O.V

Harvey barged into our bedroom with tear marks on his face, did the plan work? "We're over," Harvey growled, in a half angry and half sad tone. It worked, my plan was successful, Bailey may finally be mine. Maybe. For the next half an hour I comforted Harvey before I had to go to football practise which Harvey decided to miss because of Bailey. I was so close to having Bailey. So close.

R.I.P #Hayley
Sorry I haven't updated in a bit, this will probably be my last update for the year and also I won't be updating for a while because I'm going away.

I hope everyone had a good Christmas/is having a good Christmas (Timezones) and if you don't celebrate Christmas then I hope yesterday was still a good day for you.


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