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Harvey's P.O.V

We've been sitting in waiting room for hours, with no news. I need a break from all this worry about him, I don't have the brain power to keep myself awake and to stop my mind from thinking about what could possibly be happening to Max. Is he dead? Is he dying? Is it all my fault?

"Harvey Mills?" The doctor asked I stood up and hurriedly walked to the doctor
"Yes?" I asked
"Your brother is Max Mills?" The doctor asked
"Yes!" I answered hurriedly.
"He's just suffered from a panic attack. Do you know what could have caused it, did you say anything to him, do anything?" He asked. Max had a heart attack? What? How?
"Harvey?" The doctor
"Sorry, I umm... I didn't say anything, but he said he was sorry about something. I don't know what he was sorry about though" I told him. The doctor nodded then wrote what I said down.
"Is he going to be okay?" I asked
"We're doing our best"
"As long as he ends up fine" I said "can I see him?"
"Sure, right this way" The doctor said walking to Max's room.
I saw Max then slowly walked up to him. I saw one of his eyes open slightly.
"Harvey" he croaked
"Max, how do you feel?" I asked
"Not good bro" he laughed, which triggered him into a coughing spree.
"Max, I probably shouldn't be asking you this but, what were you sorry for?" I asked. I needed to know what he was keeping from me.
"I don't want to think about it right now Harvey, sorry, I just don't want to have another panic attack" he whispered. I nodded then left, leaving times were over.

Mum drove me home and we sat in silence (somebody stole my car radio and now I just sit in silence). The someone spoke
"Harvey -" Mum started
"I don't want to talk about anything mum" I snapped
"Ok. Do you want to stop for pizza?" She asked
"I don't care"
"Harvey not wanting pizza? Wow this is a day I never thought I'd see!" She laughed
"This is isn't a time to laugh mum!" I yelled.
"Sorry. I guess I'll be quiet then"
"Good" I mumbled

Dylan's P.O.V (haha, were u expecting that?)

I heard Max was in hospital, serves him right. You may be wondering what he ever did that made me hate him so much, well he stole Bailey from be the first time, then he stole Jackie from me, then he broke up with Jackie and left her heartbroken. Not only that but his twin is now going out with Bailey, and I know hurting Max will hurt Harvey more than if I hurt him. I can tell it kills Harvey when other people get hurt, he can toughen up and bare the pain of himself, but when other people get involved, that's when it really hurts him.

"Hey Maxy" I said entering his hospital room (stupid doctors believed I was his best friend!) Max opened his eyes then groaned.
"What do you want?" He asked
"It's not what I want, it's what we both want in't it?" I laughed
"What's that?" He asked quietly
"Bailey." I hissed into his ear.
"Your wrong, I don't want Bailey, I-"
"Don't lie to yourself Max. I know it was you who called Jake and told him about Bailey and Harvey. You did it so they would break up, so you could get with Bailey." I whispered so no body else could hear, you never know who could be lurking around.
"You have no proof of that" he whisper/yelled
"It doesn't matter, because it's the truth. So do you want my help or not?" I asked with a devilish smile.
"Why should I trust you?" He asked. God dammit what is it with him and questions?
"Because I'm your only hope. We agree to split Bailey nd Harvey up, then it's free for all, deal?" I asked holding out my hand for him to shake. Max looked at it sceptically then shook it, "Good jib Mills you know what's good for you" I smiled, then I left the hospital without another word. Good Job Maxy, you've just fallen into my trap. 😈

Harvey's P.O.V

I miss Max. All the musical.lys we used to make, the YouTube videos, everything we did, it's gone. For now atleast. The doctors said he's going to stay in the hospital for tonight then he'll probably be let out tomorrow midday.

~Time Skip to tomorrow~

Finally Max could come home. He seemed kinda off, like he had something he was dying to do but was restraining from it.

We got home and went straight to our room, "are you Okay Max"
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be, I mean I got hit by a car after being beat up by Dylan again, then had a freaking panic attack but yeah I'm just great" Max spat
"Sorry" I mumbled "#MaxOnHisManPeriod" I laughed in my head.
"Wanna do a musical.ly or something?" I asked
"No" Max said
"Fine then"
Max then sat down on his phone and did that for hours, I have no idea what he was doing but it was obviously interesting.

Max's P.O.V

I hate Harvey right now, he"s so stupid, I was really bored so I started to message Dylan and see what he wanted me to do.

D: Dylan
M: Max

M: whatcha need me 2 do
D: wait Max, u need to wait
M: I need to do something
D: No Max wait
M: I can't
D: fine, tell me all you can about Harvey and Bailey
D: Any problems they have in their relationship, any way we can break them up

I told Dylan about all the things wrong with their relationship, all the cracks that they tried to fill with cement. Everything. I must have talked to him for hours. Dylan's actually a pretty fun guy, when your not on his bad side that is.

Dun dun duunnn. You found out who it was! Now Max and Dylan are allies, oohh, this could never be good. Hahaha

Since this chapter was so intense do u think u could maybe vote? And like u know comment and follow me cause dat would be real nice, and yeah.


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