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Bailey P.O.V

B: Bailey
A: Anonymous

A: Hi Bailey

B: Who is this?

A: That doesn't matter

A: I just want you to know that we know each other and haven't gotten along at the best of times but I'm sorry for that and hope u can forgive me.

B:...I don't know if I can forgive you, it depends what you've done, can u tell me

A: no

A: but I can show you

B: Is that a Harry Potter reference?

A: maybe...

B: lol ok

A: is it ok if I just talk to you as an anonymous user so you can get to know me as me?

B: sure, can I call you something or just anonymous?

A: Call me, Jacob

B:ok Jacob

I let my duvet ingulf me and I let out a loud sigh of confusion and frustration, the words I'd spoken to Harvey still ringing in my head "I never liked you anyway I just felt sorry for you."


Harvey's P.O.V

Max had left the house to go to football, Dad had taken him as well as Tilly and Leo who wanted to watch, Mum had reluctantly left to get her hair done, she'd been waiting for this appointment for three months and I wasn't going to get in the way of that just because the only girl I've ever truely actually liked and I just broke up.

Don't get me wrong the razor in the bathroom was pretty tempting and was practically calling my name in a voice that sounded similar to Bailey's but I ignored it 'it's pointless, stop thinking that Harvey it will be fine. There are plenty of fish in the sea.
But none of them are like Bailey.
Maybe Bailey wasn't the one.
I'm sure she was, she was perfect.
Harvey stop being so nieve didn't you hear her? She said she never liked you, ever, ever ever, she felt sorry for you. Your worthless Harvey. Worthless. Stop trying to think positively and thinking that maybe she will come back to you, she never wanted you in the first place," I debated with myself, Bailey's harsh words in the back of my mind. I never liked you anyway, I just felt sorry for you. The air began to thicken, I could hardly breathe and my throat clogged. I tried to take a deep breathe but my breathe stopped short, all that I could do was breathe short fast breathes, each time I took a breathe I wondered if it would be my last, Did I want it to be? My mind drifted to a news report that I created in my head:

Musical.ly Star suffocates in own house

15 year old, Harvey Mills died in his own house today. His twin brother and him created content in an app named 'musical.ly' and had a strong fan base, they had started making music and had published three songs, they also posted weekly videos on the platform YouTube as well Twitter and Instagram.

The fifteen year old was predicted to have died of a panic attack after the breakup of him and his girlfriend, Bailey Stone who had said "Of course it was Harvey who did that, he was so weak."

My fists clenched at Bailey's comment that I had created it's not her, she didn't say that.
But she probably would... My eyebrows formed a scowl upon my face, I couldn't think straight. I had to get out, now.

Down the streets of Berkshire I ran, down to the cafe on the corner and into my regular seat. Air rapidly escaped my lips, I tried to slow it down but it was no use. I found myself fumbling around the table for a menu before staring at it blankly not even reading the words, just concentrating on my heavy breathing. "OMG! It's Harvey Mills!" A voice squealed, I could hear them jumping up and down clutching their phone so hard their knuckles turned white. I focused on my breathing and slowed it quickly before speaking to the fan.
"Hi," I said plastering a fake smile on my face and standing up
"OMG! OMG! OMG!" They panicked fanning their face with their hand, "I can't believe it's you! I...I." She started to fall and I caught her in my arms out of reflex. It now looked like I'd just dipped her, the fan's eyes opened at the impact of my hands on her back and she gasped. The girl quickly stood up her cheeks turning a bright pink "s-sorry, thank you for catching me... at least no one saw, I wouldn't want to break up your relationship with Bailey. You guys are a really cute couple," the girl complimented looking up at me and give big me a shy smile
"We ummm, we actually broke up yesterday...so." The girl froze then gulped
"I'm sorry to hear that."
I shrugged then offered her a picture which she accepted, "I'm Emily by the way," she said pulling her phone from her back pocket. We took a picture and I hugged her, like I do with every fan, then she turned "and also I'm Team Harvey," before I could say anything else...

To Be Continued In The Next Chapter...

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