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Bailey's P.O.V

I heard about Max, I knew he didn't like me that much but I was still worried about him. I've tried calling Harvey but he won't pick up, I guess he turned it off so he could focus on Max.

It's been a week since I saw Harvey last, a whole week, I don't know what to do to get my mind off of him. I called Jackie, sure we had a bit of a rocky few weeks when she was with Dylan, but she's gotten past that now. And I feel like she needs to get her mind off of Max too.

B: Hey Jackie

J: Hi

B: u wanna go do something?

J: Incase u hadn't noticed Max is in hospital and I'm worried sick

B: Which is exactly why u need to do something. To get ur mind off of him

J: Fine. Where r we going?

B: I was thinking the beach?

J: k.

I grabbed all my stuff for the beach and headed out, hoping I could at least spend an hour with my mind off of Harvey.

"Hey" Jackie smiled weakly, I could see she had been crying but I didn't pick it to talk about. After all we were here to have fun, not therapy. "Race you to the water?" I suggested
"What are we eight?" Jackie rolled her eyes, I looked down at the ground slightly disappointed. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jackie launch off of the sand and run towards the water. I smiled then ran after her "NO FAIR!" I laughed as we reached the water
"Too bad, I win." Jackie chuckled.

We mucked around in the water for about an hour before we started to get cold. Jackie and I sat on the beach talking about whatever we could think of just to keep the conversation going. Eventually we decided to get changed then head up to the Starbucks down the road.

"I love Starbucks," Jackie exclaimed
"Basic," I laughed. Jackie playfully nudged me and laughed. I missed hanging out with Jackie, when she was around Dylan we didn't get along, but Max really changed her back into a better version of herself. It's just a shame they broke up. Jackie and I continued talking about when we were younger and the dumb things we did, then Jackie started to talk about a date Max and her went on, It sounded so nice, they were goals. Jackie suddenly remembered what had happened to Max. Tears started to form in her eyes and I reached over to comfort her "I'm fine," she insisted shooing me away. Jackie then checked her phone which immediately buzzed as she picked it up. "Max is awake," she whispered, "They said he's fine, just a bit confused. I'm going to see him,"
"I'm coming too," I said bravely. I knew Max probably wouldn't want to see me but he's my boyfriend's brother and my friend. In my books: I had to.

Jackie and I called and Uber to then hospital then ran into Max's room. Max was awake and talking to Harvey quietly, "Max!" Jackie gasped
"Jackie! Bailey!" Max exclaimed he wasn't quite yelling but he spoke a bit louder than normal so I knew he was pleased to see us.
"I'm so glad your all right," Jackie exhaled hugging Max lightly
"Yeah I wouldn't say all right, just partially right," Max chuckled "I did have a panic attack and that's not normal so I may have to see a therapist. haha fun"
Max and Jackie talked for a bit and I joined in when I felt appropriate. We talked for about an hour, when the nurse came in the room and told us we all had to leave. I left holding Harvey's hand and walking next to Jackie.

Max's P.O.V

It killed me to see Harvey and Bailey so happy together, it killed me to know Jackie still cared for my well being, but most of all it killed me that Bailey wasn't mine. I couldn't hug her and tell her I loved her and was glad she came, and it was all Harvey's fault. I reached for my phone and began to text Dylan, I had an idea.

M: I have an idea of how we can split Harvey and Bailey up

D: Why didn't you meet me at the park?

M: It's complicated. Let's just say it ended with me in the hospital because of a panic attack

D: Oh, are you ok?

M: Do you care or are you just saying that?

D: I'm not heartless you know?

M: oh....l I am fine, thanks for caring

D: np. Now what's this idea of your's?

I told Dylan my plan that I had thought of a few minutes before, it was devilish and involved Harvey, the bad side of Harvey. Most people would hate to do something so mean to their sibling, especially their twin. But not me.

Dylan's P.O.V

Max has been cast under my 'spell'. I've practically hypnotised him into thinking against his brother, to explain it better think of me as Snow from hunger games, and Max is Peeta. I'm hypnotised Peeta into hating Katnis (Harvey), Peeta would do anything to kill Katnis, obviously I didn't go that far. I just got Max to do whatever he could think of to make sure Bailey and Harvey broke up, and Max is completely oblivious to the fact that I'm controlling him. Sure once they have broken up I'll let him go just like I did with Jackie but I still need Max, he would prove very useful.


Don't you worry guys, I'm not dead, I just didn't know what to write about. I had the first half of the chapter finished but I couldn't think of anything else so I stopped writing for like a month or something. Not to mention I have been pretty busy. (Lol these Author notes are always just excuses).

Anyway moving away from why I haven't been updating. I hope you guys are enjoying the little references I'm putting in this book, tell me if you do like them or find them annoying and want me to stop.


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