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*play song*

Bailey's P.O.V

Water battled my clothes in a war it was sure to win, causing my body to enter the Mills house completely soaked to the bone. My intentions were simple and justifiable, I knew what I was here for and so did the other Mills in the house; Tilly, Leo, Max. But not Harvey. Harvey didn't even know I was here, I hadn't told him, I planned for it to be a surprise, for Harvey to be excited to finally see me again. I had dreamt of how it would go in my head last night, the whole thing was perfect, we grew up to be happy together.

"Leave Harvey alone, we don't want you here," Leo spat slamming his door behind him and Tilly as I delicately climbed the stairs, a pleased look plastered upon my face as the very thought of Harvey played with my memories. I ignored Leo's immature behaviour and continued towards my favourite room in the house; the twin's room.

*1/2 an Hour earlier*

Max's P.O.V

"That little bi-" I cut myself off realising that Tilly and Leo were also in the room searching the pantry for an afternoon snack. Leo gave me a confused look at my unfinished sentence but then shrugged it off continuing searching the pantry. "Bailey broke up with me, I'm going to talk to Harvey. Look after Tilly, and please if Bailey comes" I sighed grabbing the box of Harvey's lucky charms and some Bacon Bits for myself "Don't talk to her." I finished dashing for the stairs and back to my room to explain my situation to Harvey.

3rd Person view

Max had finished explaining the circumstance between him and Bailey to Harvey who was rubbing his eyes and patting his hair down so it wouldn't stick up as much. He hadn't been paying as much attention Max's rant as he should have but Harvey was too tired to care. He'd been too tired to do anything ever since Bailey and him broke up. He thought that the two of them would have grown old together, or at least lasted longer than a year. Although he had been paying little attention Harvey was aware of how much Bailey had begun to take for granted. That past month Harvey had done a lot of thinking about his life and what he wanted to achieve, yet somehow getting back together with Bailey never crossed his mind, it began to make him question his love for her, especially with the new information he had been given.

Harvey stared outside watching the rain splatter onto the dark concrete. Trees lined the street on both sides providing Oxygen for those who were willing to breathe it. He reached into his box of cereal and pulled out a few charms which he slowly crunched in his mouth continuing to think about his true feelings for Bailey.

"Harvey!" A voice gasped, a feminine figure stood in his doorway, shadow hiding her face making Harvey's mind immediately think of the word 'shadow demon' which he didn't feel was appropriate once the teen stepped into the light, her dyed brown hair tied into a sleek high ponytail, not a single strand out of the neat hairdo. The girl's petite body began to slowly approach Harvey. He hadn't been outside in forever meaning his muscles ached at the sudden need to work, like a kid suddenly having to back to school after summer break. A cold hand shaped itself around Harvey's jawline and kissed his chapped lips. "I've missed you," the girl whispered cuddling into Harvey's chest and wrapping her arms around his waist.
"Stop." Harvey whispered not moving or pushing her off, just directing a simple order. Bailey looked up at her assumed boyfriend and asked for him to repeat his simple stern request, a confused look replacing her smug expression. "Get off me. I don't like you, you used my brother and pretended to date him just to get to me, and now you come crawling back to me telling me you missed me?" Harvey explained in a calm, stern voice his heart beating fast, hoping he was making the right decision, hoping that this wasn't the biggest mistake of his life.

Bailey let go of Harvey and scowled at him backing into a body, she turned to see Max with the same anger filled expression as Harvey, yet neither of them spoke. Bailey turned to Harvey one last time before slapping Max and stomping out of the room slamming the door after her as well as the front door. An anger filled scream sounded from outside the Mills house as Bailey began to walk home, alone. With no boyfriend, no friends with the last name of Mills, and no job. She had lost everything she had gained in the past year, everything. But she deserved it, the ways she took the twins for granted, she deserved every bit of what she got plus more.

And there we have it, another book wrapped up. Thank you everyone who read this book and I hoped you enjoyed my...different ending. I don't know how I feel about it but at least it not cliche (I don't think).

If you did enjoy then, good for you, you found a book you like (the most difficult task of all time). I can recommend relevantmills and Alohakala who both do great MaH fanfics, if you have a cool MaH fanfic or know an author who does feel free to mention them right >here< for people who con't find any fanfics to read.

Once again THANK YOU ALLLLLLL SO MUCH, even those how don't vote or comment, you still make my day by even reading what ever rubbish this story is 😆😂

For the last time this book


She's Mine (Sequel to Accidental love)Where stories live. Discover now