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Austin playfully bites my ear, making me laugh, as I try to cut carrots. "Stop, I'm trying to cut, up the carrots."

"I don't know why, there going to be plenty of food for your birthday tonight." His hands reach up around the front of my shirt, grouping my breast over my shirt.

Groaning, I put the knife down. "Austin," my voice cracks at the end of his name. He moves his hands away and all the sudden, wraps his big strong arms around my waist and lifts me with ease. "Hey!"

He chuckles, sending vibrations from my back. "We are going to go for a run, to get your mind off the party. We'll even go swimming and just make a day of spending time together. Because tonight I have to sadly share you."

"You always have to share me," I remind him, as we go threw the front door.

"Sadly I know and if I had it my way, I would want to have you all to myself most days," he puts me down, only to spin me around, lift me up and actually throw me over his shoulder.

"Okay, you big monkey, you can really put me down now."

He chuckles, his movements of speed start to pick up. "That'll be hard to do, considering, I'm the only one that knows, where we are going."

Groaning, knowing I would ruin the surprise if I went in his head to easily find out. "I'll behave myself, and not go in your head." I tell him.

He chuckles, "Good girl, I'm so proud."

"Don't push it," I warn, as a soft growl vibrates threw my body.


Austin takes me to a waterfall, about fifty miles from the house. Tree's shelled us, giving us privacy.

He puts me down on my feet, goes to a bush and pulls out a basket and a blanket. "Morning picnic," he tells me with a grin on his face.

"Your such a romantic and no, that isn't me being sarcastic." Walking over to help him, he waves me off, before he lays out the blanket. "Can I help lay stuff out?"


Sitting down on the blanket, I just watch him lay stuff out on the blanket. I watch how his arms move, his musicals slightly bolding, his large strong hands being gentle and careful, like when he holds any part of me during the day and during the night, when we are alone. "Can I at least -"

"Nope," he says not looking up, from placing everything as he wants.

"Oh come on, you don't even know what I was going to say!" I complain.

He looks up at me, taking the bottle of the champagne out of the basket and two glasses. "I know you want to help, but babe, this is your birthday, so that means you are getting pampered. Wither you like it or not." he puts the glasses down in front of us and the bottle between us.

Looking at all the food, and just seeking a slight  payback, I question, "So where the strawberries and whip cream? Isn't that like the for go, on romantic picnics?" Raising an eyebrow at him, he doesn't miss a beat. He pulls those two items out of the basket. "Smart ass."

He smiles broadly. "If my ass was smart, you would probably love it more then me." he teases.

Grinning at him, I shake my head. "Your right, I would love your ass more then you. But there something it can't do."

"Oh yeah, and what's that?" He raises an eyebrow, as I lean over on all fours letting him see down my shirt.

"It can't kiss as good as your lips," he closes his eyes and when he does, I dip my finger in the cream and tap his nose leaving evidence of what I just did.

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