Child Dream

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(Nova childhood past)

We were different from other packs. We followed our own laws, our own ways of life. Yes, we lived in fear a lot of times to be found and killed. But other then that, life was okay.

The packs pasted a law some time ago, that out casts like my family and our pack of wolves kicked out from their own packs, were to be hunted down and killed. "Purge the world of the vile, wicked and danger, of those called Rogues." Is how the story goes. We are dirt under the packs nails. We've never done anything, I've never known bad.

Of course, I don't get to listen to my dad and the other head wolves, because I'm to little to understand. Or that's what my oldest sister May says. Snooty May, I like to call her. She old enough to leave and go see the world, dad doesn't force people to stay. They can leave if they want.

"It's an honor to shift and be free Nova." May has told me, so many times and I'm glad to think, when I get older I might forget these words and with the feeling that she might leave some day soon, I might forget her. She the only one of my oldest siblings I can't stand. It's like she some how doesn't fit into our family and I don't know why that is.

We all sit around the big wooden table eating dinner. My family large in number, even though some of us are quite younger then our older siblings.

Father sits at the head of the table, eating calmly and I don't know why, but it bothers me. Seeing him eat so calmly. "Daddy, what's wrong?" I ask him.

He looks up at me and gives me a forced smile, that slightly scares me. He has a nice smile, but his forced smile, slightly scares me. "It's nothing little one,"

Mom smiles at me, before drinking her water.

When the desert comes, the large double doors bang open, and in walks a handful of our deadliest guards. All large and scary enough, to make you pee yourself.

Dad glares at them, they know that dinner is family time. No pack talk of any kind at the table, it was mom rule and she can be scare when she wants to. "Not now." Dad says with a growl in his words.

The men bow there heads in submission. "We are sorry, but this is important. It's about the pack in the valley." The leader of the group says, I think his name is Jay.

"What about it?" Dad asks, as mom gives him a warning look.

"Phillip not at the table." She tells him, then gives the guards a warning look to keep their mouths shut. They could just tell dad threw the mind link, so I don't understand why they just don't do that and not be in here. Unless they want to see what mom will do to them?

"It won't take long," he tells her and then look back to the guards and shakes his head for them to go on. "You were saying,"

The leader shakes his head. "We were making sure everything was alright. When we got to the valley pack, a handful of the people were dead-"

Mom growls at them warning the man to stop talking. "There will be no talk of blood shed and death at the dinner table or in front of the children."

May waves her hand at mom. "Cool it mom, a handful of us should know about that stuff already." She sends a side lone look at me, like I know what she talking about and yeah, I know everything not rainbows and pretty things. But why look at me? I can't even shift yet.

Dad urges the man on. Mom going to kill dad at this rate. I think to myself, looking back and forth between my parents.

"And a man stood in the middle of it with blood all over him. He said, that one of your children was his mate and if he doesn't get to come in and meet you all, he would kill more of us."

Mom and dad look at all of us, more the older siblings then the rest of us. Three of my siblings old enough to shift. "He will meet none of my children, without me talking to him first. Tell him that." Dad tells the men. "Now leave us, before my wife kills you all and me, talking about blood and such at the table." He tells them and they leave right away, closing the door behind them.


Mom sits on my bed next to me, just tucking me in. "Nova I can see the worry in your eyes, about the man that killed so many of our people." Mom says, tucking a peace of hair behind my ear.

"He's not a man, he's a monster. I looked at the stars tonight, not many of them shine bright tonight, something bad going to happen, that's why so many are hiding." I tell her.

Mom looks me my face over, as if she trying to remember it for some reason. "Nova, you will be a great leader some day. Look and listen, you've been good at that. You see more then anyone, that I've known, remember that." She kisses me on the head and whispers very softly. "Moon Goddess, protect my children from this life into the next. Give them gifts, to protect this world as your soldiers." She whispers.

(Nova older self)

A monsters howl wakes me from my sleep. In my mind eye, I see a black wolf, one eye silver, the other green, a claw mark over the silver eye. I know who this is and it makes me sick, that my niece comes from such a monster. Your version of house is over. I'm coming for my daughter and finish what I started, for Evy.

You don't know what Evy wanted you foul creator. You are the one that killed her!

He snarls at me. Your time up mongrel, for stealing my daughter from me.

Just you try I've cut you down before and I will do it again.

Austin moves next to me, taking me out of my train of thought. Austin opens his eyes to me and sloppy smiles at me. "Happy birthday my love."

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