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Caid and I were never meant to be together, we both knew that, but that didn't stop us for messing around. We called it practice, but we never slept together or anything that would cross the line. Dad never approved, but Caid had his skills and those skills are probably why dad never killed him.

"Caid, how could you be stupid enough to get turned into one of them?! Where did you even go, where they turned you?!" I demand, almost hoping he'll turn and talk to me, tell me what I don't know.

"Babe, he's gone, he's not the person you knew, you can see it for yourself." Austin tells me softly.

One of the other wolves steps forward, growling at us, hunger for food and blood swims in this wolf's eyes. I don't know this wolf, I don't know any of them but Caid. "I don't think we can get out of this," I tell him truthfully, feeling fear for the first time facing them.

"If we fight-"

I cut him off, never taking my eyes off of the other wolves. "There is to many of them. If there was a chance we could get them to turn on one another, it would be amazing. But it won't work."


"Because they are focused on you and they will hunt you down as a pack."

"Why me?" he whispers, shifting more in front of me.

"You're an Alpha by birth right, you are the biggest threat of the two of us. I might be able to shift in two different forms and be your Luna, but you are the strongest of the two of us, because you are the Alpha." At that moment Caid jumps forward, mouth open ready to rip Austin to shreds. Getting around Austin as fast as I can, I throw my leg up and make contact with the side of Caid head and send him flying. "Back off Caid!"

Austin grabs my hand and we start running, with the feral on our heels. "We need to think of a plan and fast!" he yells out as we take a sharp turn around some tree's.

Glancing back I see two of the six wolves. "Get up in the tree's, if they can't shift to their human forms, they probably can't get in the tree's." As we jump up in the tree's, the other four run into one another, plus the other two. They snap at one another; clearly not happy they ran into one another.

Resting against the tree, we keep an eye on them as they look up at us with their crazed looks in their eyes. "Can we get to your pack lands if we go threw the upper tree's?" Austin asks, looking around us.

"We should be, but that won't matter if they chase after us there, it will be putting us and my dad in danger."

"So what do you think we should do?"

One of the wolves attacks the tree, shaking it hard, were we have to grab on to the tree to keep our balance. "Split up."

"No, you already told me, that they will attack me, just because I'm the Alpha."

"All you are going to do is run, I'm going to attack them from behind. If they are to focused on you, they won't have time to defend themselves."

He glares at me, as the same wolf attacks the tree. "No out of the question, I'm not risking the chance of you getting turned into one of them!"

"If you love me, you'll do as I say. It's the only way we will live." I tell him, knowing I just hit him below the belt.

"And if the roles were backwards, would you do as I asked?" all the wolves attack the tree at once and it starts to fall over.

"Yes, now keep going, I'll follow." And just like that we jump out of the tree going our own way.

POV: Austin

I just had to be mated to a crazy woman, that takes things into her own hands. Couldn't have the mate that does as I say and loves me no matter what. No, that's to freaking simple. Hell, I can't even get a mate to let me give her everything she might ever want. I rant off in my head.

I'll make you sleep on the sofa for the rest of your life mister. Now keep running.

Kicking myself mentally, I should remembered to block my thoughts, but with what's going on right now; blocking my thoughts doesn't hit my worry list right now. One of the ferrules attacks the tree I'm in sending me flying into another tree branch. Gripping onto the branch, I suck in air in and out as I get up right in the branch. Coughing hard, I try to get my breathing under control.

"Oh no you don't!" looking down I see Nova cut off one of the ferrules heading for my tree and kicks it right under the throat sending it flying. "Austin you need to head east, I just remembered something that can help!" she yells out, not taking her eyes from the beasts.


POV: Nova

Austin goes the way I want him to and the ferrules go after him, but Caid. Caid sizes me up, he shows me his teeth foaming at the mouth. "Caid I know you are in there," shifting back to my human form, my clothes are ripped in different places, like always when I half shift. "Come back, this isn't you."

A deep throaty voice reaches into my mind that makes my insides shake in fear. This is me! I was always meant to be a ferrule, I was never meant to be in a pack.

"That's no true and you know it." He sniffs at me, showing me his teeth as if my smell is bad. "Do you remember when we were teenagers? When your parents died and we made an agreement that we would fight for one another even if we weren't mates? When it comes down to it Caid we are best friends."

He shakes his head to the side hard. We aren't friends anymore Nova. He steps forward again, but I don't move, I hold my ground. You should really be running now.

"No, you should be." Lunging low at him, I wrap my arms around his throat as the first howl of pain and death fills the air, followed by more. "Please forgive me." I whisper with tears starting to stream down my face; I hold on to his neck tighter. He fights against my hold, tries to throw me off, snap at me, but it does little to no good, I'm to far bellow his teeth.

Killing me...won't save....him... he breaths out.

Letting up a little bit, I still keep a good hold on him. "Dad will know how to fix this." I tell him. you think...I'm talking....about Austin....will be....turned...before you....get to him...

Letting go of him, he falls back breathing hard, no doubt seeing stars. "You were a distraction. All the ferrules were, to get us separated." Looking around us, I feel like the night is closing in on us. "Did my sister have something to do with this?! Is she your Luna?!"

"NOVA!" Austin screams out, followed by a howl.

"AUSTIN!" my legs and feet move faster then I thought before and I don't even feel the change until I hear my paws hit the ground hard against the ground. The woods fade away into a blur. Soon the ferrules dead bodies scatter on the wood floors.

"Sister," a voice purrs out, making me step dead in my tracks.

Looking up in the tree I see the wild crazy hair of May who holds Austin like he can't fight at all. Pages of the ferrules books fills my head, but none ever said that they had someone to follow. But what the books say now shows who ever wrote them, didn't know what they were talking about. Shifting into human form, I notice May is holding a syringe to Austin neck. "Put the syringe down May and let Austin go!"

"No can do, dear old dad is still alive and I rather him being dead by the time you find him." She then puts the syringe into Austin neck, pushes what ever is in it, in his neck, pulls it out and then pushes him off the branch. "Well...I should say, if you find him. Your mate will probably have killed you by the time the old man has died." She flips her hair over her shoulder and smiles at me wickedly. "Have fun running for your life."

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