Chapter 1

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~Jungkook's Pov~

I was still in the dance studio alone, late at night. I walk over to my back and pick up a towel, wiping the sweat on my forehead. I then pick up my phone and turn it on. I look at the time, 11:45 pm. I sigh and unlock my phone, seeing a bunch of messages from my girlfriend, I love her but she can just be annoying at times 

I let out another sigh and put my phone down and then connect it to the speaker, I start the song and walked up to the middle of the dance studio, facing the mirror and starts dancing again. I danced fiercely and powerfully. Trying to take my mind off things. I didn't stop to take a break.

~Namjoon's Pov~

I was in my recording studio still working, but I couldn't really focus much cause my mind was on Jungkook the whole time. I really liked Jungkook and was slightly jealous...... ok not slightly REALLY jealous of the girl that was dating him, I wished that I could have a chance with Jungkook, but I'm too afraid that Jungkook would reject me.

I sigh and takes my headphones off, I give up on trying to work at this point. I grab my phone and check the time, then sigh more. I'm too lazy to go back to the dorm, so I decide that I might just stay here for a bit longer. 

I finally decide to leave. I get up and turn everything off, then leave. I hear the music coming from the practice room and go over, looking inside and see Jungkook dancing. I decide to walk in and go over to him. "Jungkook you should stop now and go home."

Jungkook stops and looks at me as he catches his breath. "J-Just let me stay here for a while longer...." sighing softly I say. "Jungkook please, don't overwork yourself. I'm asking you as the leader, and your friend to please rest"

Jungkook looks down and sighs then looks back at me and smiles a bit* "Ok Hyung... I'll go home now"  I smile a bit back "Thank you Jungkook, make sure to eat when you get home too, I don't want you to get sick from not eating, nor do I want you to starve"

He nods "I will Hyung" He gets his bag and phone. I smile a bit and walk to the door "I'll uhh see you later Jk" Jungkook looks at me and smiles a bit, nodding* "Alright...." He then checks his phone. I quickly leave the room and sigh "ugh why do I gotta like hiiiiiim" I mutter quietly to myself and walk back to my studio to see if I can focus on working again. 

(Sorry it's not a very long chapter, I promise my other chapters will be longer!)

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