Chapter 13

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Jungkook slowly starts to wake up, opening his eyes he looks around before looking at Namjoon and smiles softly. Seeing Namjoon was sleeping still, his head now buried in Jungkook's stomach.

Jungkook coos softly but keeps quite as he observes the older male, who had his in Jungkook's stomach and his arms around his waist. He stays still, not wanting to accidentally wake up the older male that was cuddled close to him.

Namjoon mumbles something in his sleep, quite and muffled but still somewhat loud enough for Jungkook to try and make out what he was saying. Jungkook looks at him and strains his ears as he tries to hear what was being said.

Namjoon was having a dream about Jungkook. "no...... don't take Jungkook from meeeeee"

Jungkook frowns a bit and hugs him closer. "Namjoon....?"

Namjoon pouts and his lip quivers, muttering more. "w-why are you taking him f-from me..."

Jungkook spoke softly. "Namjoon....? It's ok.... I'm here...."

Namjoon whimpers a bit and hugs him tight, scared, he starts crying a bit, thinking that Jungkook was going to be taken from him if he let go. Jungkook hugs Namjoon tightly, and starts to rub his back in a soothing manner. "It's ok... I'm here.."

Namjoon calms down a bit and clutches onto Jungkook's shirt tightly in his sleep. Jungkook continues his actions as Namjoon starts to calm down more and start to slightly relax. Seeing him relax, Jungkook keeps rubbing his back, as Namjoon keeps relaxing then he starts to slightly move in his sleep. Making the younger male look down at him.

Namjoon starts to slowly wake up, his eyes fluttering open and he smiles once he looks up at Jungkook his voice husky and groggy from sleep. "Good morning Kookie~"

Jungkook smiles, hugging him close.  "Good morning~"

"I like waking up like this"

"You do?"

"Mhm, its nice, and makes me feel safe when i wake up in your arms*

"Well that's good to hear"

"Yea, i like your hugs, i always feel so safe, and protected" Namjoon snuggles up to Jungkook's chest.

"Good, because I will always keep you safe and protect you from anything" Jungkook hugs Namjoon closer, if that was even possible at this point.

Namjoon smiles and hugs Jungkook tight. "im glad i know you will do that for me, and I will do the same for you"

"I will do anything for you Joonie~"

"And i will do anything for you Kookie~"

Jungkook giggles and smiles at Namjoon. Namjoon smiles and leans his head up to look at Jungkook. Jungkook looks back at the older male.

Namjoon stares at Jungkook, love and affection shown in his eyes brightly. Said male stares right back into his eyes with the same emotions. Speaking softly. "You're really handsome Joonie..."

Namjoon blushes a bit for the comment and smiles shyly, speaking softly as well. "T-thank you kookie, you really handsome to"

Jungkook smiles big. "Thank you!"

Namjoon smiles back. "Your welcome"

Jungkook kisses him on the forehead, causing Namjoon to giggle. "I really love you Kookie, so much it almost hurt"

He hugs Namjoon tightly and chuckles softly. "I could say the same thing about you"

Namjoon smiles and hugs Jungkook more. "im glad you feel the same way"

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