Chapter 7

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(This is mostly going to be about Jin and Jimin, enjoy~!) 

~Jimins Pov~

I walk into the living room after talking with Jin and flop on the couch. Hoseok who happened to be in the living room looks at me and speaks up. "You good over there Jimin?"

Nodding I look at Hoseok. "Yup, just tired"

"Well, why don't you go to bed then? Instead of flopping on the couch" He chuckles and shakes his head.

"Ehhh it's too far awayyyy"

He shakes his head more. "You lazy child"

I just flash him a smile. He smiles back then looks at the tv. "You should find yourself a girlfriend, or boyfriend if your gay I don't know"

"Pfft, I don't know either sooooo..."

He starts laughing. "You don't if your gay or not??"

I just shrug. "Honestly I don't know"

He laughs more "That's it go to Jin's room"

I give Hoseok a confused look. "Uhhh why?"

"Because I said so now go, or I'll carry you there"

I look at him suspiciously. "Why won't you tell me the reason?"

"Because" He stands up and throws me over his shoulder. "I'm your Hyung"

I squeak in surprise. "The fuck Hyung? Put me down!"

"Nope!" He carries me to Jin's room and drops me on the bed. "Have fun~" he then leaves shutting and locking the door behind him as he does so. I blink and watch Hoseok leave and close the door, murmuring to myself. "This bish is leaving me here.."

Just then Jin walks out of his bathroom and sees me on his bed, he also happened to be shirtless. "Jimin-Ssi? Why are you in here?"

I look at Jin and blink "I was thrown here against my will by Hoseok.."

Jin just blinks as well and stares at me, then goes to his closet. "Ok then... you know you can just leave if you don't want to be in here....."

I pout, knowing that's not the case. "I can't, Hobi Hyung locked the door..."

"Why did he lock th- that son of a bitch" Jin mutters, probably not wanting me to hear but.....i did. I tilt my head to the side and look at Jin. "What's wrong?"

He looks at me. "N-nothing is wrong....."

I continue to look at him. "You sure...?"

He swallows and looks everywhere but that's not convincing at all, there's obviously something wrong. "Y-y-yea"

"You know.... You aren't convincing me Hyung.... What's wrong?"

"Pfffft whaaaaaaa I'm totally convincing......" He swallows more, he doesn't want to tell me something.....but why? is it bad?

I raise an eyebrow, not looking convinced at all. "Hyung look at me"

He slowly looks at me "Y-yes Jimin-Ssi?"

"You know..... You can tell me what's wrong, I want to help you..."

"N-n-nothing is wrong, i-it's just......." From what I could tell his eyes held fear. What is that that's got him scared to tell me? Does he think I'm gonna like start hating him or something....

I tilt his head. "It's just what Hyung?"

 He whispers, probably also not wanting me to hear this as well. "... I l-like you...."

I instantly start blushing and look down not believing what I'm hearing, he likes me? Should I tell him.......N-no I'll see if he means it first and if he does then I'll tell him. So I speak up softly "R-Really...?"

He turns bright red. "y-you heard me??" He FINALLY puts a shirt on.

I nod quickly. "Y-Yup.."

He turns even redder, which is cute but I'm also bright red so I can't really talk much. He speaks up again. "b-b-but yes r-really, i like y-you"

I end up blushing more and cover my face with my small hands........why do they have to be so small..... That's not important right now Jimin! Tell him how you feeeeeel. "H-Hyung....... I-I-I......... i-i l-like y-y-you t-too...... b-b-but I n-never showed i-it c-cause I was s-scared....."

He looks at me and stutters out. "Y-y-you like m-me b-b-back? W-w-why were you s-s-scared?"

"I-I was s-scared of b-being r-rejected....." I still had my head down and was still covering my face.

He walks over to me and sits down next to me. "t-that's why I w-was scared t-to tell you..... I-I thought y-you were going to r-reject me..."

I don't look at him. "I-I would n-never reject y-you..."

He looks at me. "A-and I would never r-reject you..."

I finally uncover my face and slowly look at him. He was already looking at me. I Look back down and feel the blush spread across my cheeks. His face was also red, from the corner of my eye I see him start to slowly grab my hand. this makes me blush more and glance at Jin.

He was looking down, his face red as he holds my hand. I let go of Jin's hand and slowly hug him. He slowly hugs me back. I smile a bit, he smiles softly and keeps holding me in his embrace. I start to relax a bit, then he starts playing with my hair causing me to relax more and close my eyes.

Jin starts to lay back on his bed. I start to lay down with him since he is still holding me. He keeps holding me and lays down completely, I snuggle up against his chest once we are both laying down. He holds me close and kisses the top of my head, causing me to smile and giggle.

He giggles and says softly. "I never thought I would get to do this with you"

Smiling a bit, I say softly back. "I thought the same thing.."

He smiles a bit and closes his eyes. I enjoyed being in Jin's embrace. He kisses my forehead. "Jimin?" Smiling softly I respond. "Yes?"

"Do you wanna date me?"

"Of course~"

He smiles and holds me closer. "Yay!~"

I smile and giggle."I'm so happy" He lets out soft giggles. I smile more. "Me too!"

He smiles and opens his eyes, then looks down at me. " I like holding you, it's like you fit perfectly into my arms.... Does that make sense?"

I look up at Jin and giggle. "It makes perfect sense"

He giggles and cuddles me. "I'm glad it made sense"

He then hides his face in my hair and says quietly but still loud enough for me to hear. "you know what's gonna be scary...."


"How the fans will react when they find out about us..... And about Namjoon and Jungkook......"

"Well..... We'll just hope for the best...."

 "I hope they support us.."

"Yeah.... me to.."

"W-what if they don't...." He hugs me tightly, scared of what could happen if the fans got upset.

"W-Well.... I-I d-don't know.... But i-i won't s-stop loving you...." I say softly as I hug him back just as tightly. 

"I w-won't stop loving you e-either" 

I smile and snuggle against him. He smiles and keeps holding me close. I start to feel Jin drift to sleep while he keeps hugging me. I also start to fall asleep. But before I let the sleep consume me I mumble out loud enough for Jin to hear 'i love you' before I fall asleep completely. Before I fell asleep though I hear Jin mutter back 'i love you too' then he fell asleep.

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