Chapter 3

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~Namjoon's Pov while Jungkook's girlfriend was over~

I hide in my closet till I knew it was safe to come out.  I start to panic when I realized what I did and how I liked the kiss. I hear Jungkook's girlfriend and go to my door and shut the door quietly. Then put my headphones on and start working. Trying to get my mind off the kiss, that I enjoyed too much

I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. I then start freaking out when I realized...again... that  I  made Jungkook practically cheat on his girlfriend. I now felt bad about kissing him, but.... It felt so right to feel his lips against mine. I've always liked Jungkook and always wished to feel my lips against his. 

I was in my room working still, when I got bored and started watching a movie, keeping it down so that I wouldn't wake up the others since it was so late. I see Jungkook walk into my room and was about to apologize when he surprised me and kissed me! Then he quickly left my room. 

I sit there and blink, I was so shocked that Jungkook came and kissed me. But I was ecstatic that he did kiss me even though it wasn't a very long kiss. I start smiling shyly and blush covering my face with my hands and roll around on my bed. I then end up falling off, hitting the floor with a loud thump, I just stay there, to happy and lazy to get up at the moment.

I finally get up and shut my bedroom door, quickly but quietly and turn off the tv before getting in bed and getting under the covers. Jin bursts into my room and turns the light on seeing I was 'asleep' then turns it off and leaves. I open my eyes and sigh in relief before closing them again and let sleep take over my body.


~Jungkook's Pov~ 

I woke up earlier than the others, at least I think I did. I was still half asleep as I ruffle my hair. Standing up, getting changed then going to the bathroom, I do my morning routine. After I was done, I grab my bag. Planning on going to the practice room at the company.

 Jin was out of his room first and sees me, he calls out to me asking if I have eaten breakfast yet. Looking at Jin as I almost make my way out, I tell him that I'm not hungry and will eat later. He sighs and tells me that I better or he will start force feeding me to make sure I get some food into my stomach. I just nod and quickly say goodbye before Jin could say anything and head out. 

After I arrived at the company I go straight to the practice room. Setting my bag down and plugging in my phone to the speakers before choosing a song then setting my phone down, I go to the middle of the room and start to dance.

I kept on dancing without taking breaks, I felt like I needed to improve, that I needed to be better. Finishing the song I was dancing, my legs were now shaking as I go to a wall and lean on it for support.

~Namjoon's Pov~ 

I was in my studio working on new songs for the next comeback. I was tired since I didn't sleep all that well the night before. I keep working on the new songs, changing beats on certain songs to see if I like the new one. When I accidentally delete one of Jungkook's parts and groan loudly. "WHY MEEEEE!"  I yell out in frustration. I guess they don't call me the 'God of Destruction' for nothing. 

Sighing I call Jungkook since I couldn't get the part back after trying to see if I could.  So I wait for him to pick up the phone so I can ask him to come sing his part again. At this point, I just wanted to throw myself out a window. 

 After a few rings, Jungkook picks up his phone, his beautiful voice coming from the other end, he sounded tired and a bit breathless. "H-Hello? 

My soothing but deep voice rings out in my ears as I respond to him.  "Hey Jungkook sorry to call but I need you to come to my studio and come resing one of your parts that got deleted..... you don't have to come right away but when you can please do"

"N-No I can come right now.... I'm at the building... just give me a few minutes..."

"Oh alright, well then I'll see you whenever you come here"

"Ok..." Jungkook hangs up. 

Putting my phone down I get back to work and start working on something else till Jungkook gets here. I was drinking coffee and wearing my glasses, tired evident on my face as I stared at my computer screen. A few minutes later Jungkook comes into my studio, looking out of breath and exhausted. "I'm h-here..."

Turning around I look over at Jungkook. Instant concern fills my eyes. "Jungkook are you alright?" I get up and go over to him making him sit down on the couch in my studio. He just nods, letting me make him sit down on the couch. He lets out a shaky sigh. "I'm fine...."

I let out a sigh "Jungkook you are not fine, you're pushing yourself too hard, you need to rest and eat, like properly rests, I don't want you doing anything until you do, and that's an order coming from me as your leader" I say sternly, it breaks my heart to see the boy I care for so deeply push himself to work harder. 

Jungkook bites his lip and looks down. I sit next to him on the couch. "I'm just worried about you Jungkook, I don't want you overworking and pushing yourself too much"

"I-I know..... I'm sorry..."

"It's alright, just stay in here and take a nap, then when you wake up I want you to eat"

He was about to protest. "B-But-"

Standing up, I start pushing him down onto the couch.  "sleep now talk later"

He pouts but lets me push him down onto the couch. I cover him with a blanket that I had in my studio. "sleep well, I'll try to not be too loud." Without thinking I kiss him on the forehead, then stand up completely since I was bent over and go back to my chair.

He blushes slightly and hides under the blanket, he then closes his eyes and let's sleep consume him. I smile seeing he had fallen asleep. I sit back in my chair, putting my headphones on, and start to work again. Making sure I don't delete any more singing parts from the songs. 

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