Chapter 4

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~Jungkook's Pov~

I started to slowly wake up. Sitting up, my eyes half open as I just blankly look around. I see Namjoon was in his chair staring at his computer screens, a cup of coffee next to him, his glasses and headphones on with his hair pulled back.

I sit there and process the meaning of life for a bit before I see the food. He had ordered my favorite food and had it on the little coffee table in front of the couch with my name on it. Seeing the food container, my eyes lit up as I grab the first container. He had also left a pair of chopsticks on the table for me, along with my favorite drink. Opening the food container, then grabbing the chopsticks,  I waste no time and start eating the food that was gifted to me. 

Namjoon not knowing I was awake starts humming one of the new songs he wrote trying to figure out the tempo of the song. He starts creating the beat while still humming. I continue to eat my precious food as I listen to him start humming.  He sighs and leans back in his chair thinking, the beat playing in his ears. 

I glance at Namjoon, studying his features before looking back at my food and continue to eat. He ruffles his hair and drinks his coffee, he puts the cup down and stretches then yawns, I hear his stomach growl, but he seems to ignore it. 

I then stretch my arm a bit and tap Namjoon on the shoulder. "Hyung...?" He jumps and takes his headphones off then looks at me. "Yes, Jungkook-ssi?"

I smile sheepishly. "oops I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you..." Then I grab the food container and extend my arm, offering it to Namjoon. "Here... eat"

He looks at the food and slightly shakes his head. "I'm alright Jungkook and it's alright, but you eat, I'll be fine" He gives me a small smile to try and reassure me that he was fine. But I don't buy it and just shake my head while frowning a bit. "No, I already ate a bit, now it's your turn to eat. eat Hyung"

He looks me in the eyes. "But I'm not hungry...? You need to eat more Jungkook"

"Nooooo cause just like you said, I'm not hungry" I look back at him.

He pouts out his bottom lip, and whines slightly, which I find adorable. "ughhh jungkook-ah why are you so stubbornnnnnnnn" I pout too. "Becauseeeee I care about you Hyungggg so eattttt pleaseeeeee" He pouts more but takes the food. "Fiiiiiineeeeeee if it will make you happyyyyy"

I smile happily but also victoriously. "Yayyyyy, it will Hyung!" He smiles and picks up the chopsticks and starts to eat the food. I smile more as I sees Namjoon eating then lean back against the couch, and stretch a bit.

He eats a couple bites of the food and glances at me. I was just leaning back against the couch and was looking up at the ceiling, slightly lost in my thoughts. He slowly and quietly places the food down, he looks at my side profile then looks away. I then stand up and stretch. 

He rubs his eyes trying to rub the tiredness away, that was clearly evident on his face. "Are you ready?" I watch him and slowly nod. "Yes...." He checks what line he needed and reaches over gently grabbing my wrist and pulls me over. I end up blushing a bit and go over to where he wants me. 

He hands me the headphones. "You need to redo one of your singing lines from..." He says a line from one of our new songs. I nod as I grab the headphones and put them on.  He pushes the recording mic over to me and sets it up, then starts playing the part that I need to sing again.

I get ready before starting to sing my part. He listens to my sing my  part while he records it through the mic. I close my eyes as I sing passionately. I continue to sing until I finish the part i needed to, then open my eyes.

He stops recording and smiles at me. "Thank you Kookie" I smile back and nod. "No problem!"

He looks at me, I see his eyes drifting to my lips. He stares at them for a bit then quickly looks away. I notice and smirk a bit and decide to tease him, taking a step closer. "Hyung~"He looks up at me, since he was still sitting in his chair. "Y-yes Jungkook?"

I just get closer, not saying anything and lean forward, my face close to his as I just blink innocently at the man in front of me. He watches my get close, once my face was close to his, he swallows, his eyes flickering down to my lips again.

I get closer until our lips are slightly brushing against each other, then I smirk and pull away, licking my lips. "Wellll I'm going back to the the practice studio, I'll see you later hyung~ and please rest!~" And with that I left Namjoon's studio. After I left his studio, I chuckle to myself as I start to make my way back to the practice room. Once I enter, I just sit down on the floor, grab my phone and look at it.

~Namjoon's Pov~

I let out a shaky breath and slump down into my chair. Covering my face with my hand then run them through my hair, I let out a soft sigh. "God Namjoon you're in worse than you thought, he's such a tease and he knows it to........UGH why did i make it so obvious!" I whine to myself and gets out of my chair, flopping face first onto the couch in my studio.

I whine into the couch cushions, and grab the blanket and cover myself. Curling up into a ball and I end up falling into a dreamless, or so I thinks sleep. I had turned the studio lights off before I let sleep consume me.

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