Chapter 6

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~Namjoon's Pov~

We finally arrive back at the dorm. Jungkook opens the door and enters inside first, then I walk in after him, taking my shoes off at the front door and closing it behind me quietly. Jungkook takes his shoes off also and goes and sets his phone on the kitchen counter.

Yawning, I pick up my shoes and take the shoes to my room, setting them inside my closet, then putting my phone on my bedside table. Putting a movie on, I start to change, wanting to be free of my jeans...... well I wanted to be free of all clothing but I can't..... Sooooo I guess sweats and no shirt will have to do. After I change, I walk out of my room and past Jungkooks, going to the kitchen to get myself something to drink.

I honestly forgot the real purpose on why they both came home but I just shrug it off and make myself something to drink. I was hungry but I'm too lazy to eat, after getting my drink, I walk past Jungkook's room again..... Shirtless now that realize it.

Jungkook was on his computer when I walked by, he glanced at me when I was walked by, but he quickly looked back at his computer. I get back to my room and put my drink down by the bed, then I grab my tv remote and change the movie.  Then I lay down on my bed and watch my movie while drinking my drink at times.

I finish my drink and get up to go put my cup in the sink. Walking past the living room and going into the kitchen to put my cup in the sink. Once I put my cup in the sink I go and look in the fridge and shrug then walk out of the kitchen. 

I notice Jungkook on the floor, he was looking up at the ceiling, probably spacing out. I go over and lean over his head to look at him. "why are you on the floor...?"

Jungkook looks up at me and says seriously "Because I'm Gucci"

I just blink a couple times then crack a small smile. "Alright then.... You sound like Taehyung" Chuckling while standing back up. Jungkook smiles and giggles a bit. I smile and stretch.  "You look bored"

He shrugs. "Eh... I kind of am...."

I nod. "well if you want I'm watching a movie, so you're more than welcome to join me"

His eyes lit up* "Ooooo I'll join you!"

I smile and help Jungkook up and off of the floor. He gets up and smiles at me. I smile back then start heading back to my room, Jungkook following behind me. Once I get to my room, I lay down on my bed and make room for Jungkook. 

Jungkook stares at me a bit before looking down, slightly blushing as he enters my room. I look at him and smile then pat the empty spot next to me. He waddles over to me and sits down on the bed, next to me. 

Looking at Jungkook, then back down at myself, I quickly get up and go to my closet getting a shirt. "Sorry I forgot i wasn't wearing a shirt"

He looks at me, blushes a bit and then looks away. "I-It's fine..."

I put the shirt on then go back to the bed, and sit down "You're lucky you didn't have to deal with me when I was younger..." I say while chuckling a bit*

He looks at me, tilting his head to the side a bit. "Hmmm why?"

Smiling a bit and laying my head on Jungkook's shoulder, I tell him my short little story about little Namjoon. "my mom told me that when I was younger I used to run around the house either naked, or with no pants, she said I used to yell out that I was finally free too while I ran around naked"

He lays his head on mine and chuckles a bit. "Awwww that's adorable"

I giggle. "She even has videos of it, she sends them to me at random, I don't know why, but every time she does she says 'i hope your not this free while your around Jungkook....' she knew i liked you" I start blushing after I told him that.

He just smiles and blushes, and then pulls me into a hug, I hug him back smiling while also still blushing. I hear Jungkook let out a happy sigh. I start to lay on the bed and bring Jungkook down with me as I do so.

He lays down with me and instantly lays his head on my chest. I smile more and keep my arms wrapped around my new boyfriend. He smiles and snuggles against me. I keep smiling and hold him close to me. He smiles more and lets out a happy sigh.

I hum happily. "this is nice"

He nods. "it is"

I start playing with Jungkook's hair. "Jungkook" Jungkook relaxes a bit. "Hmmm?"

"Thank you.... For calming me down after my......nightmare..." I keep playing with his hair, gently running my fingers through his soft locks.

"Oh, it was really no problem..."

"Still..... I means alot to have someone there to help...."

"Of course.... I'll be here to help you hyung.."

I smile softly. "Thank you Kookie.."

He smiles softly bacK "No problem.."

I pull Jungkook closer to me. He smiles, I smile back then look at the tv, he then looks at the tv as well.  All of a sudden there's a lot of noise coming from the living room.......the boys were home. I can tell Jungkook hears them as well but he keeps watching the tv. I just aslo ignore them and keep watching the movie.

Soon I notice that Jungkook was slowly starting to fall asleep. I keep playing with his hair to help him fall asleep, he relaxes and closes his eyes, soon letting sleep consume him. After a few minutes, I end up falling asleep as well.

~Jin's Pov~ 

I and the boys arrive home, they make a lot of noise as usual. I walk over to Jungkook's room to see if he's up but he see that he's not there so I walk into Namjoon's room and see them sleeping together. I knew Namjoon had liked Jungkook for a while so upon seeing this I get my phone out and start taking pictures.

Squeaking excitedly, I take more pictures of the sleeping boys. I then run out of the room and do a little happy dance.  Jimin who was walking out of his room gives me a weird look. "why are you so happy?"

I look at Jimin and grab him by the shoulders and start to gently shake the poor boy. "One I can be happy if I want! And twoooooooo IT FINALLY HAPPENED!!!!!"

Jimin gives me a confused look. "what happened?"

"THEY ARE DATING!!! Well hopefully i shouldn't assume but if they are then, IT FINALLY HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!!!" I practically screech out at the top of my lungs, luckily I had shut Namjoons door.

Jimin just blinks, looking more confused by the second. "who's dating?"

I keep shaking Jimin then stop and get REALLY close to his face "Namjoon and Jungkook"

He pushes my face away. "Ah ok ok, just don't get close to me"

I chuckle and out of happiness hug Jimin. "awww why not JIminie???"

He just looks at me and pouts. "haven't heard of personal space?"

"Yes yes I have, but you should know by now I like to invade your personal space" I look down at the smaller boy.

He just blinks* "yeah I know, but I need my space.."

I pout "fine fine..." I let go of Jimin finally. He looks at me. "Sooo you're saying that you think Jungkook and Namjoon are together?"

I put my hands in my pockets and nod. "I think so.... I mean why else would they be sleeping and cuddling in Namjoons bed" He nods. "I guess you have a point there"

I nod and look at Jimin. "I'm happy for Namjoon, he's liked Jungkook for a long time now, it broke his heart when Jungkook got a girlfriend"

He nods a bit. "yeah.. I remember that... hey, then what happened with Jungkook and her anyway?" I just shrug "I don't know that's something you would have to ask Jungkook"

"Well, i guess I'll ask him later,"  He says before walking to the living room. I Watch Jimin walk away and sigh then go to my room.

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