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"Star! Star! Watch out! " but I was already too late. She had been killed, and I couldn't stop it. "Star! NOOOO" and yet I could hear her voice.....

"MARCO!" and I woke up. I saw my princess beside me, and she gave me a smile. "You were yelling in your sleep..." and I blushed. "Thank You princess..." and she hugged me. "What was your dream about?" and I froze. I looked at her, and said,"The worst world ever. A world where I couldn't save my princess." and she rolled her eyes and kissed me... I put my passion in that kiss because that dream scared me, and I couldn't help but feel that the dream was trying to tell me something....

Save Her Marco Save her!!

What? Who's saying that?!

You're the only one

From What? Who are you? What's going on?!?!

Marco....SHE'S IN TROUBLE! My dau-

Dau? What the heckity heck? 5 abs and one peck? Star looked at me weird. "You okay Marco? You kinda just spaced out..." and I nodded. The voice sounded familiar.....

Moon's POV
DARN IT! I tried to send the boy the message but my mind magic could only work for a little amount....I hope he gets it.....Star needs him....I turned around and saw River with a worried look on his face. "Did it get to him?" and I sighed. "I only warned him. That's all I could do. I couldn't go into to much detail..." and he nodded his head. "If that's the best we can do, then....We shall live with it...." and he sat on his throne. He looked optimistic but I could see it inside that he was burning with worry. I couldn't blame him, I mean it is Eclipsa for Mewni's sake! She's coming, and Star must prepare....

Third POV
As Moon pondered on that thought in Mewni, Marco and Star kissed yet again, because that dream and the messages scared him half to death and he didn't want to loose her. His mom had called them for breakfast, and they left.

Oh Marco, it make take years, but Moon was right. Your Star is in trouble

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