Chapter 1

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Feel free to tell me any mistakes I made with grammar and facts.

Magnus checked the portal one last time. It was a navy blue, with shimmering edges.  Will and Jem stood behind him, side by side.  He squinted, and waved his hand over the portal again. Something wasn't right about this portal. He knew something was wrong, but he couldn't name it. Sighing, he beckoned for Jem and Will to come over.

The Parabatai where both wearing training gear with daggers strapped to their belts. Will's curly hair looked like it hadn't been combed at all. Jem, on the other hand, looked clean and proper. He was holding his jade cane in one hand. What many people didn't know was that the cane had a secret compartment where a knife was hidden on the end. Just one click, and it came out of the end, sharp and deadly.

"Ready?" Will said with an anxious tone. Magnus nodded.  This was their first time traveling by portal and they were nervous. Who could blame them though?  "Let's go James."

"Thanks ever so much for the favor Magnus." Jem said. He was the polite one of the pair. And the only kind one. "Goodbye, Tessa." He kissed his fiancé and stood by Will, leaving Tessa standing there, blushing deeply.


Together, the Parabatai stepped through the portal, unaware that this would be the last time in a long, long time that they would see Victorian London again.


What happened next was odd. One moment Will and Jem's feet were on the ground, the next it felt like they were falling through space and time. It felt like they were falling for years, centuries even. Neither knew if this was normal for a portal- it was a new method of travel that only a few Shadowhunters had experienced.

Finally, they landed on there feet. Jem did a quick 360 to make sure they were out of danger. As he looked, he noticed that Will wasn't there. What had happened to his Parabatai?  They seemed to be in a sort of park, with a few people milling around, though not anywhere near them. 

"Will! Where are you-" He was cut off by a shout.

"I'm here James, don't fret." Will walked out from behind a corner and dusted himself off. His gear was slightly wrinkled and he tried to smooth it out in vain. He too, did a quick scan of his surroundings and walked up to Jem.

    Jem grabbed his jade cane and put his hat back on. When he was in public, the eyes of every passerby came to his hair. It was a shocking silver, the same shade as his eyes. He despised it. He loathed the way the drug made him.

    A slight ruffling sound brought the two boys back to their senses. Will snapped his head towards the sound and his hand crept towards his dagger. Jem held his cane and clocked the button that made the dagger pop out. A demon lunged towards them.

    As quick as a blink, they stood side by side. Years of training and hunting left them with peaked senses and fast reflexes. It also came in their blood. The demon was a Shax, and it's thick armor and pincers were visible. It stood in front of them like a wolf ready to pounce on its new prey. But the boys were ready.

    Will lunged at it while Jem snuck behind it. Will stabbed at it and tried to pierce its armor. Meanwhile, Jem got up to a nearby tree and jumped onto the Shax demon. He held his hand out in the air, and Will, after years of training for this move, threw his dagger into Jem's hand with pinpoint accuracy. Jem raised his hand, ready for the final blow.

    The Shax demon reared backwards and, before Jem could kill it, it threw Jem of its back. He hit a tree and fell to the ground, unconscious. The Shax demon approached Will, and it looked like it had a maniacal smile on its face. Just when Will thought it was the end, he heard the twang of an arrow and the crack of a whip. A thick golden rope looped around its neck, holding it in place. An arrow whizzed by, missing the demon by an inch.

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