Chapter 8

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^So Cool^

Alec shot his last arrow and watched as everyone held their breath. It hit the automaton in the small of the back and, to everyone's surprise, it crumpled to the ground. Jem looked around to tell his Parabatai something, but he was nowhere to be seen. Looking around franticly, he saw him clutching his side. Blood seeped from the fresh wound as he staggered in. He fell, but Jem caught him.

Alec hurried in to help, and together they carried Will into the Institute, leaving the remains of the automaton for Magnus to pick up examine.

"I'm fine.  Fine I tell you."  WIll muttered as he leaned on Jem's shoulder heavily.

"William.  You have a gaping sidewound.  I'm pretty sure that you are not okay."

Will muttered a string of profanities that would have made a sailor blush.  Alec was facepalming behind them, while Jem just sighed in exasperation.

"Just like Jace." 

As soon as the trio got to the Institute's infirmary, they laid Will onto one of the beds.  Alec handed a stele to Jem.  Muttering his thanks, he started to draw an iratze(I spelled it right XD).  The wound healed quickly, leaving nothing but a thin white scar where it had been just minutes before.  Alec looked down at the sheets.  There was a large amount of blood on it and it would take quite a bit of time to wash out.

"Well, I am going to go train."  Will said.

"Sit down William.  You are going to stay in bed for at least another hour because of all the blood you lost."  Jem said in a stern voice.

Will rolled his eyes, but lay down.  He stuck out his tongue at Jem and closed his eyes.


Clary's red hair blew in the wind as she and Simon ran to the Institute. They had gotten a phone call from Magnus that there had been another attack and that Izzy and Jace were on their way.  

"What the hell happened?"  Simon exclaimed as they saw Magnus among the metal that was once an automaton. 

Simon's gear was put on haphazardly; he was still not used to putting it on quickly.  He had a bow and quiver strapped to his back and multiple seraph blades around d his waist.  Clary smiled when she saw that his belt was missing a blade.  It must have been left back at her apartment.

"Well you see vampire boy, an automaton came and tried to get into the apartment."

"Okay.   One: Simon is no longer a vampire so that title is no longer in use.  Two: Where is everyone else?"  Clary said while pulling her hair back.  She still had a bit of charcoal one her fingers, leaving black streaks on her face.

"Go inside and ask Alec, Will, or James for answers.  Me?  I have to clean up this crap."  With a grand wave, everything disappeared.

"Wow Magnus, I'm surprised you figured pout how to make things go poof."  Simon said.

"They didn't vanish.  I just sent them somewhere else.  Some poor mundane will wake up with a bunch of demonic metal in their bed or something."  Clary raised her eyebrows, disapprove meant clear in her face.  Simon barked out a laugh.

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