Chapter 9

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Simon, give me your computer.  I have to book ten seats on the next flight to London."
"Uh. . . couldn't you just. . . you know– make a portal?" 
Clary's face went red while Simon and Will laughed at her.  Even Jem cracked a smile.

"You're positive this will work, right?" Will asked for the seventh time— not that anyone was counting.

"Yes William, I promise that we will get there safely. Now shut up while I finish this rune." Clary muttered as she added the finishing touches to her portal. Everyone was prepared. They had all packed a days worth of clothes for the trip to the London Institute. Clary had made sure to bring her coloring pencils— she had been itching to draw for weeks.

"Okay. All we need here is-" Magnus was cut of by the door opening.

"Sorry I'm late. Tessa had to help Diana out at the LA Institute. She told me to come without her." Zachariah said while unzipping his jacket and putting it on a couch.

"We were just about to leave. Come along, then." Magnus waved Zachariah over to where the others were standing. A faint blue glow was now emitting from the portal. Without hesitation, Clary walked through followed by Jace and Alec. Jem and Will still looked uncertainty at the portal.

"Don't worry. You'll be fine. Just follow me." Zachariah said with a soft smile. It jolted Will as he realized this is what Jem could have looked like. In another world. . .

Will and Jem nodded and stepped into the portal with the others behind them. It felt like the other portal they went through, only smoother. They were out in an instant and landed on their feet.

"So that's what a portal should feel like." Will said, looking at Magnus.

Magnus glared back at him. "It was also Henry's fault! We made the portal togather."


After 130 years, the London Institute still stood strong with its pillars and arches. Will hesitated when he walked over to the door. It had been 130 years since he and Jem had been here. It felt like they had been here last week- they had of course, but in their proper time. Everyone he knew and loved were gone- Cecily, his parents, Henry, Charolotte, even Gideon and Gabrile- were all gone. He was suppost to be dead too, but this was not his time. Jem put a reassuring hand on Will's shoulder.

"We can do this." Will took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

A very, very old lady opened the door- and froze. She had been singing, but stopped mid sentance. It took her a minute to compose herself before she talked.

"Hello. What brings you to the London Institute?" Jem and Will glanced at each other, unsure if what to do or say. Fortunately, Izzy stepped in.

"We are here from New York and we wanted to. . . Um. . . explore our histories and come here."

The old lady nodded. "The head of the Institute isn't here. She's off in Shanghai on official Encave buisness." She had a slight Irish accent.

"Can we come in?"

The lady opened the door and let everyone in. The city was loud, and it left a ringing in Wills ears.

"What's your name?" Alec asked the lady. Wi'll noticed that she didn't have marks. Was she a mundane? Institutes didn't have mundane maides since-

"Bridget." She said, eyeing Will and Jem.  They did a double take. This couldn't be their Bridget. Their Bridget would have died a long time ago, probrolly a century ago. He decdied that it was a coincidence. It had to be. Right? 

"Would you like me to show you the library?"  Bridget asked.

"I think that we are okay.  Thank you."  Jem said with a pleasant smile.  Bridget nodded and hurried away to another part of the institute.  Magnus looked around and whistled lowly.

"I haven't been here since I brought James home after an. . . Interesting- for lack of other words- night at the local bar."  He look d at everyone's blank faces.  "Oh never mind."  Will, looking at him strangely, continued to walk to the library.  He took a deep breath.  Unfortunately, it didn't have the same air of welcoming it usually did.  He doubted that anyone but the head lived here. 

Finally, they reached their destination.  The library was the same, even after many years.  Will grinned to himself as he saw rows upon rows of books, lined perfectly apron the dusty shelves.  He pulled a book out at random and fanned the pages out.   To his great surprise, a letter, yellow with age, fell to the ground. 

"What's that?"  Jace asked.  Will pocketed the letter making sure that no one else was watching.

"Nothing."  As soon as Jace walked away, he looked at the book again.  On the inside cover was writing.  It was barely legible, but he read it, nonetheless. 

This book is property of William O. Herondale.  If you are reading this book, I would advise you to put it down, especially if your name is James Carstairs, you sneaky bastard.

Will smirked to himself he remembered writing that in the inside of all his books when he was fifteen.  Pulling the piece of paper out of his pocket, he scanned the first few lines. 

Dear Mam and Dad,

Will froze.  It was one of his letters.  Shame crept through the cracks of his composure, like water leaking through a hole in the roof.  It took all of his self control not to keep reading.  Putting the note back in the book, he walked on.

Jem didn't know why he was here.  Maybe it was muscle memory.  Or maybe it was the longing for something familiar.  Nevertheless, here he was in his old bedroom.  It looked the same on the outside, yet the inside might have well have been a stranger's room.  Nothing was familiar.  Not even the view was the same.  Leaning his cane on the doorframe, he walked around.  His old, wooden bed and furniture had been replaced by new, more modern things.  The floor was a soft carpet instead of a wooden one with rugs. 

Pushing his silver hair out of his eyes, Jem spotted an old piece of furniture.  It was a wooden bedside table -the one that used to be beside his bed.  With a sense of determination, he looked eagerly into the first drawer.  Nothing but dust.  It was in the second drawer that he found a surprise.  It was a photograph, showing him, Will, Jessie, Charlotte, and Henry.  Charlotte was wearing an extravagant dress while Henry was wearing ceremonial gear.  They were smiling bright, both showing off runes on their forearms.  Wedding runes.  Will had his arm slung around Jem and Jessie was standing by herself with her parasol shading her from the afternoon sun.  He and Will were about fifteen, and, in his hair, you could still see a couple of black streaks.  Jem was jerked out of his thoughts by Zachariah bursting into his room.

"I knew that I would find you here.  C'mon.  Magnus found something."  Putting the photograph into his pocket, he followed Zachariah into the library.  

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