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I decided to just say a few facts about myself to u know.....get to know each other or I might be doing this because i have nothing else to do. 

1. What sort of a person am I??

: My friends describe me as annoying, hyper and loud. I personally think I act childish but mature when needed, i apologies a lot, i can go from hyper and singing about rainbows and unicorns to pretty moody and sometimes depressed. I am supportive and talkative. I don't care who u are but if u respect me, i respect you unless you have done something bad to me or my loved ones. I am loyal to close friends. 

2. Do i support lgbt+? 

: As long as you are human or alien or any unknown species, I support you. 

3. Do I love Donald Trump?

: Kill me the day i do love that idiot that mocks people who are braver than him, doesn't appreciate people who want to serve their country in the army, does not respect confident women, hates on others based on their nationality not their personality and more. 

4. What is my Favourite food, colour etc. 

: Favourite colour is black because it goes well with anything you wear, it is a strong colour and it represents death. Favourite food is pizza cause why not. My favourite group is BTS(duh) but I love listening to all sorts of music and songs. My favourite thing to do is sleep or read on wattpad or search videos about random stuff and people. Favourite subject is English btw. Favourite number is 7 but it is my unlucky number as well. 

5. Do I have a crush? 

: Used to but I stopped crushing on her/him. 

6. Where do i get my inspiration and ideas from to write poems? 

: I do get depressed at times and that helps me, ummm..... things like society, wars, Donald trump and more. just random things which is why i created the title Random Poems That May Be Depressing. 

7. How old am i? 

: I am 12 and a female .Or you can say I am a 777 years old blob with piglets as classmates? i prefer the second one. 

Random Poems That May be DepressingWhere stories live. Discover now