Fifteenth Poem-Why I Write

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Why I Write

Writing have always been my way of expressing myself

It is so powerful and is neither good or bad

I am the type of person who falls in love with a bookshelf

It does make my poor friends and family go mad

I like writing in a way they don't understand

They think it's for fun or for an exam

But without writing I think life would be rather bland

Though I do not know when my passion for writing began

My mind is a something you should not be in

Its different and sometimes it makes me fear

It is something I have always tried to keep within

Lets just say my mind is not clear

They say people change

But this is something different

It seems so strange

To me it is not something insignificant 

But writing has helped me

Because I pour my heart into it

It's like the answer to my plea

A silent plea for help that increased bit by bit

People, friends especially compliment my writing

They believe in my lies and my childish excuses too

I wish they would know that I never really was trying

And once in awhile, I wish my lies and excuses were see through

I never understood how people grew "mad" over nothing

As a child I always thought it was because they were ageing

But I now truly understand why though

The mind is a terrible place that makes your life feel empty at times and so hollow

My writing is what goes in my mind

And trust me, my mind is not pretty

Its twisted in its own strange way

It's where my monsters hide

And it sometimes gets dark inside

As dark as a pitch black night

But I guess that's why I started to write. 



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I just wanted people to know some reasons why I write so I just wrote a poem about...why i write. Gosh! That sounds so weird to me! School is so exhausting for a couch potato like me and I  am so tired from doing nothing. So I'm gonna go sleep and pretend I don't sleep more than enough already. 😁

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