Chapter one ✔ {edited}

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The smell of alcohol ran through the  night like a drug, mixing with the smell of sweat and adding to the ever growing excitement of the roaring 20s. Stefan Salvatore roamed the streets of Chicago accompanied by the most gorgeous woman in town. Amelia Salvatore nee Mikealson. Arm in arm, hand in hand.  A delicate droplet of blood was visible on the  young Salvatore's lip, "Darling, your wearing your date." She whispered seductively into his ear, opening the door to the club. The night being filled with delicate singing and laughter.

The two lovers had somehow been separated from each other, bodies of the club blocked their view of one another. But allowed mia to see some one else she knew, "Bekah?" She asked from behind her blond sister. As soon as the nickname slipped past the younger sister's lips the other squealed. Turning around to hug her sister. Ignoring the looks of distain around them.

"Oh, how I've missed you. But i suggest you leave, Sister, Niklaus is here. And he was not happy with you for leaving." Rebekah said panicked, after watching many of their siblings be daggered the two girls always worried for the other.

"Sister I found my mate. I cannot run from him no more. I miss him." Amelia told her sister. 

"Oh, and is your mate here?" Niklaus said from behind them. he ignored the part of her miss him, he would never have believed her anyway.

*Present Day*

Stefan Salvatore never realized how hard it was to be away from his mate, he may have fallen 'in love' with Elena but their love was nothing compared to his love for Amelia. It was more lust than love between the two. And try as he might, everyday Stefan saw more of Katherine in his lover. He loved Amelia more then anything, anytime he was willing to die because how much he hated himself he'd never go through with it, because he loved her too much to let her feel pain for his death. Not that he knew that of course, his brain reasoned it was his brother he thought for.

 Not that he knew that of course, his brain reasoned it was his brother he thought for

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Amelia began to stir as she felt the dagger out of her chest. Her eyes began to flutter open, and she noticed her sister standing over her. "S-sister?" She managed to stutter out. the ache of being asleep for 90 years had caused her to feel almost human. Her wolf side was somehow unlocked. Her face was shocked at the relevation. Niklaus had finally broken their curse.

"Welcome back sister. Looks like we've missed a lot." Rebekah taunted and pushed a guy into Amelia's coffin and watched as she drank. She did not want to kill the poor man, but being asleep had dwindled her abilities.

"Looks like our brother left us in here for awhile." Amelia said, a small line of blood down her lip. Which she quickly whipped off. 

The two whizzed off into separate ends of the warehouse, waiting for Klaus to come back. With who ever he's compelled to be his lap dog.  At this moment in time Amelia had never hated Klaus more. She was happy, and he stole that from her.

When Klaus walked into the warehouse he noticed his sister's coffins were completely empty. "Rebekah... Amelia, its your big brother. Come out come out wherever you are." He taught-ed. Suddenly, two daggers were stabbed into his chest, making him gasp suddenly. One of the daggers had been pushed so hard parts of the handle had started to enter his body.

"Go to hell nik!" Amelia snarled.

"Don't pout, you knew it wouldn't kill me." Nik smirked at his two sisters.

"No, but we were hoping it would hurt more." Rebekah stated in annoyance. 

"I understand your both annoyed with me.." Nik trailed off. "So i'm going to let that go." He added. "Just this once. Brought you a little peace offering, Amelia." He told her. Making her raise an eyebrow. "You can come in." He called, making both sisters look at the entrance unsuspectingly.

 And in walked the love of Amelia's life, Stefan Salvatore. As soon as he walked in they both felt the mate pull, Stefan was deadly confused why he felt the need to kiss this innocent looking blond. He also wanted to wipe away her tears and murder whoever hurt her. What was going on? "Stefan?" She whispered, but noticed his confused face. That didn't matter, she at least got to see him again. Niklaus walked over to Stefan, Amelia was worried he'd kill him.

"Now you remember." Klaus said. Memories from 1865-the 1920's came flooding back, his marriage to Amelia. Their mate bond, and his undying love for her. But he still had Elena, and though he did not love her like he thought he did. He had an obligation to protect her, and then he can return to his love.

"Amelia." He whispered. Walking over to her ever so slowly as if she was going to disappear. part of him believed her to be fake.

"Stefan..." Nik called, making the vampire turn to look at him. 

"I remember you, we were friends." Stefan said in bewilderment. Angry that the hybrid had literally taken everything from him, twice.

"We are friends." Nik said. "Now the reason you to are here. Gloria tells me you know how to contact the Original witch." Klaus to the two. Making Amelia frown, her magic was next completely haywire after sleeping so long and with the added powers of being a werewolf,  and having to turn the next full moon, she was weak and irritable.

"The original witch." Rebekah said in disbelief. 

"What do you have that Gloria needs?" He asked the two.

"Where's my necklace?" Rebekah asked. "What did you do with it, i never take it off!" Bekah said with a panicked tone.

"I don't know. I didn't touch it." Klaus replied.

"We need to find it Nik. Now, i want it back." She snapped as Klaus was asking if that was what he needed. 

"Tell me, that's not what she needs Rebekah!" Niklaus snapped. Grabbing onto Bekah harshly on to be pulled off by Amelia.

 And in Anger Rebekah flipped her coffin. Making Amelia frown at her sister, thinking her reaction was underwhelming and she should've frown the coffin at Klaus.

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