Chapter Three

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Stefan and Amelia walked into Gloria's bar, noticing the woman trying to locate her sisters necklace

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Stefan and Amelia walked into Gloria's bar, noticing the woman trying to locate her sisters necklace. "You left us." Rebekah teased. 

"Yeah sorry. Retail therapy was making my head explode." Stefan told them. 

"Yeah and i just got bored of Rebekah's constant whining." Amelia states, making her sister glare at her.

"Tell me about it." Klaus agreed with the two.

"What's she doing?" Stefan asked, although he knew she was trying to locate the necklace. 

"She falling." Klaus said with a smirk. A smirk that told everyone that if she continued to fail her head would be on a silver platter.

"Hard to find something without anything to go on." Gloria snapped at him. Making Mia smirk, they had time as Gloria was failing.

"So use me. I only wore it for 1000 years." Rebekah said. Making Amelia frown ever so slightly. 

"See? Now this one offers a solution." Gloria teases the group. " All right, give me your hand, sweetheart."

"She's uh... she'd looking for the necklace, huh?" Stefan asks. 

"I see something." Gloria said as she chanted. "I found it." Gloria states looking at Stefan specifically.

"So where is it?" Rebekah asks.

"It doesn't work like that, doll." But Amelia knew she was lying. She saw what Gloria saw. They both knew that the Petrova doppelganger is alive. But what was Gloria up to? "I get images. There's a girl with her friends." 

"Yes, a dead girl with dead friends if i don't get my necklace back." Rebekah snapped. Making Amelia and Stefan look at eachother. 

"I have to dive back in and get the details." Gloria tells the group.

"So dive." Klaus said with a sadistic smile.

"I need more time." Gloria states, 'What the hell is she up to?' "And space." She added as Klaus hovered over her. "You're harshing my juju." Gloria said. Making Amelia giggle silently. 

"We can wait." Klaus said, ignoring everything Gloria had been saying.

"I'm sure you can. But that's not what i asked." Gloria replied. 

"Hey. Hey, you know, why don't we just come back later." Stefan said. Well done Stefan, Amelia thought. "I'm hungry anyway. I'll let you pick who we eat." He said. Looking at Rebekah, and i believe that everyone in a miles radius could feel Amelia's jealously. 

And with that, they got up and left. Allowing Gloria to carry on 'digging'.

"My girls dead. I'm bored." Rebekah said, as Amelia healed her girl and sent her away. Making them all glance at her but she paid them no mind.

"You weren't kidding about being hungry." Klaus said to Stefan ignoring his sister. 

"It's been a long day." Stefan said, and it truly has. 

"Try being related to them." Klaus teased pointing to Rebekah and Amelia.

"You're being mean. Why are you being mean?" Rebekah said.

"You used to love me." Amelia said making Stefan frown, he did love her he just didn't trust her. And he had Elena. 

"It's been 90 years Amelia give him a minute. " Klaus said. 

"He doesn't need a minute brother, He no longer loves me." Amelia said, stating what she believed to be the truth.

"Why are you taking his side?" Rebekah asked Klaus. 

"Because my dear sister's, I feel pity for any man who doesn't give you what  you want." Klaus told them.

"Will you stop making me out to be a brat, i'm not a brat." Rebekah snapped. 

"You know what? I'm going, i am already sick of you Niklaus." Amelia said, a single tear rolling down her face, and before any of them could protest she was out the door.

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