Chapter Eight

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Newly turned Stefan Salvatore loved his life, Katherine had compelled him to love her and in result ended up with him giving his life to protect her. 'Bitch' Stefan thought with a roll of his eyes, yet he had to admit he loved the power he had over others. the fear he could inflict within anyone he meets. He loved the chase. 

"Now now sir, you've made a bit of a mess!" He heard a soft light voice tease behind him. Turning quickly on his heels, his long hair falling in front of his face as he raised an eyebrow at the most gorgeous woman he'd ever seen.

She had long pure blonde hair and light green eyes that seemed to gaze into the depths of his very soul. A petite button nose and rosey red lips that just seemed to be begging to be touched. As their eyes met a sort of connection was made, one that was undeniable. "Well little lady," Stefan started with a teasing smirk. Their connection bringing him closer to her as they stared at eachother. "Join me."


Stefan and Amelia Salvatore awoke wrapped up in eachother arms, peacefully until they hear the bickering between kol and Rebekah. "You know we should really get our own place," Stefan said, his voice husky from sleep. Amelia shivered involuntarily. "Oh yeah?" She asked as she turned her body to face him. 

"Yeah, i mean we are married and i dont typically want to live with my in laws for the rest of eternity," Stefan said as he pulled her body closer to his causing her to let out a giggle. "You have no idea how much you mean to me," He whispered as his delicately kissed her shoulder. 

Amelia smiled at her husband, giving him a light kiss which always left him wanting more. "Well my love, i am going to shower and change then join my brothers at the grill," She stated as she got out of the bed, much to stefans protests. "You coming?" She asked as she bit her lip, Stefan's eyes glazed in lust as he sped her into the shower. Her giggles soon muffled with moans. 


"Ah, come on now. Let's not go blaming the new family in town just 'cause you lot have got yourselves a killer at large. Don't mind us. My brother and I are just here to let off some steam. Right, Kol?" Amelia heard Klaus say as she entered the bar hand in hand with Stefan. Who was reciving a harsh glare from his brother. "Right," She heard Kol say back. 

"Come on brothers, you guys are gonna buy us a drink," She said smiling with her puppy dog eyes that always wins over her brothers. Klaus was especially quick to order the young girl a drink as she was always his faviourite. they shared the same father and she always protected him.  Though she was the most powerful being to exist she was sweet and didn't allow herself to truly learn the extent of her powers- which Klaus always said was a mistake. Clearly it was from the fact she couldnt perform a simple spell to destroy her dagger. 

Caroline Forbes, a perky baby vamp with blond hair and a sharp tongue, entered the grill. Causing both of her brothers to look at her. Groaning, Amelia pulled stefan away from the bar as they watched the girl glare at the two. 

Stefan heard a loud shrill and quickly grabbed his phone and answered it before he checked the caller id. "they have elena," Damon said shortly.


"Quit pretending that you're emotion less and help me get the love of your life back!" Damon practically screamed down the phone. There was no way that Stefan didn't love elena anymore after protecting her this entire time. As much as he hated to admit, Elena and stefan were meant to be, yeah definitely not.

"Ok, here's the deal.I have a gorgeous wife, who's face and personality is actually original unlike miss cardboard cut out. I protected Elena whilst Amelia was gone out of obligation. But no, i do not love her. She is not and never will be the love of my life. But good news for you though hey!" He chuckled down the phone, "You can have her all to yourself." And with that Stefan salvatore hung up the phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2020 ⏰

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