Chapter Four

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Amelia had spent her time wondering in and out of new shops, exploring the new world. And it was exciting, but it didn't take away from the pain she felt with Stefan. She sent all her stuff to an apartment she had brought on the outskirts of New York. She was going to have a fresh start. Alone. She loved Stefan but she thought he'd never love her again.  Boy was she wrong. She didn't know what to feel anymore. She wanted to turn it off. But she felt like something was going to go wrong, so she went to go see her siblings just for a moment. She felt like everything had gone and she was losing herself. 

"You're back. Finally. Oh and were did you go Amelia?" Rebekah asked as Stefan and Amelia came in. Rebekah noticed her sisters sour face and realized she would not get an answer. "Nik went to check on the witch." Bekah said.

"Well i came to say goodbye." Amelia stated, "I will miss you Rebekah. But it's about time i did something for me." She told them. Stefan, in that moment, realized how much he loved Amelia.

"And where will you go?" Rebekah asked.

"New York seems to have changed, i shall start there." Amelia said. 

She stopped talking about it. "Deary isn't it? My family's cargo." Rebekah said to Stefan. 

"Why don't you just un-dagger them?" Stefan asked.

"Because he will hunt me down and kill me, He's a vindictive little bastard, my brother." Rebekah told Stefan.

"But you still care about him, Why?" Stefan asked her. I mean the question was simple enough but the reality is always far more complex. 

"Well, i hated him for a long time. It was exhausting."

"You know when i met you three you were all on the run." It was in that moment that Amelia realized he wanted to use Mikeal to kill them all.

"Also exhausting." Rebekah states calmly. 

"Who were you running from?" Stefan asked.

"What do you mean?" Rebekah asked, trying to play it cool.

"Last night i saw you... there was a man looking for you." He told them, he didn't want to hurt Amelia so when the look of pure fear was in her eyes he wished he had kept his mouth shut. "You all seemed afraid." He added. "I just... I wouldn't think Klaus would be afraid of anybody." 

"No one in this world is truly fearless, Stefan. Not even Niklaus."  Amelia said to the two, finally speaking up.

"Who was that man?" He pressed.

"I can't. Please." Rebekah said, standing up.

"If Nik knew we were talking about this, he..." Rebekah panicked. 

"No, no, no.  I'm sorry. Just... forget i asked." He smiled falsely. "Okay?"

"Nik told us about the girl you loved. The one who died. He also told me that you're only with him because he saved your brother." Rebekah said. 

"That's true." Stefan said. Looking over at Amelia. Knowing that she knew Elena was alive.

"I think he secretly admires that about you."  Rebekah said. "That you would sacrifice anything for family. Don't tell him i told you that."

"Your secret is safe with me." He told her.

Amelia saw Rebekah pull Stefan into a kiss and her heart broke, no it shattered. "Do you think you'll ever love anyone like you loved that girl?" Rebekah asked. 

Stefan pushed Rebekah away, "Your sister." He said, making both of them look up, both in disbelief. 

"I can always tell when you're lying, Stefan." Amelia said. 

"What? I'm not.." Stefan began.

"Don't bother, the look in your eyes gave you away." Amelia said, a tear ran down her face. 

"No." Stefan said as he raced over and kissed Amelia at full force. Re-starting their mate bond. The kiss was like explosions, her skin burned whenever Stefan was. She knew in that moment Stefan loved her, but did he love her enough?

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