Chapter Five

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"Gloria's gone, she has cleared out

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"Gloria's gone, she has cleared out. We need to find a new witch immediately." Klaus said. Separating Stefan and Amelia. "What's going on?" Klaus asked the group.

"Something's wrong. He was asking about Mikeal." Rebekah said, not liking that her sister got the man she had began to love in the 1920's. 

"He's not with us Nik, Neither of them are." She added. Realizing her sister did not want Gloria to find her necklace. 

"She's wrong." Stefan said. "Klaus."

And all of a sudden both their necks were snapped. Klaus looked down at his sister, "Such a pity."

Once Amelia woke up she realized that she was in Mystic Falls, and she had to find her siblings. Before it was too late. She didn't know how to feel about Stefan, because now he's home he can finally be with the doppelganger. He didn't need Amelia. Not when he had Elena. She felt the witches direct her to the school, so that is where she needed to be. 

"She means nothing to you?" Amelia heard Klaus snarl. "Your lies just keep piling up." He spat.

"Let her go. I'll do whatever you want. You have my word." She heard Stefan grunt. 

"Your word doesn't mean much. I lived by your world all summer during which time i never had to resort to this." Klaus said. "Stop fighting." He compelled. Amelia ran into the room. 

"Don't do this. Don't do this." Stefan begged. 

"Brother." Amelia warned, making Elena's head snap to hers.

"I didn't want to. All i wanted was your allegiance. Now i'm going to have to take it." Klaus said, ignoring Amelia.

"Don't. Don't." Stefan begged. 

"You will do exactly as i say.." Klaus compelled. As Amelia shouted, pleaded, for him to stop. "When i say it. You will not run. You will not hide. You will simply just obey." Klaus compelled.

"No." The doppelganger whispered. "Stefan."

"Now, kill them, ripper." Klaus said. And with that he did. He ripped them to pieces. As the doppelganger whined. 

"It's always nice to see a vampire in his true element. The species has become such a broody lot." Klaus teased.

"Says the psychotic wanker." Amelia spat.

"No. You did this to him." Elena spat.

"I invited him to the party, love. He's the one dancing on the table." Klaus teased. 

"Right, because you totally didn't compel him. Shows how many people can actually tolerate you Niklaus." Amelia spat. 

"Do you want to end up in a box again?!" Klaus screamed, making Stefan look at Amelia in alarm.

"Your special dagger only works once, i made sure of that brother. I am not going into a box again." she spat at him. Elena noticed the relief on Stefan's face when Amelia said this.

"Where is it? Where's my necklace?" Rebekah shouted as she entered the room. 

"What are you talking about?" Klaus asked. 

"She has my necklace, look." Rebekah said, showing a phone to Klaus. 

"Well well more lies." Klaus said. 

"Where is it?" Rebekah shouted. 

"I don't have it anymore." Elena said with fear. 

"You're lying!" Rebekah screams. Rebekah bites into Elena's neck and Stefan races forward to protect her. 

"Knock it off!" Klaus shouts. 

"Make her tell me where it is, Nik!" Rebekah whined. 

Klaus bent down to Elena, "Where's the necklace, sweetheart? Be honest."

"I'm telling the truth. Katherine stole it." Elena told him, scared for her life.

"Katarina, of course." Klaus sighed. "Well, that's unfortunate. If we had the necklace it would make things a whole lot easier for your witch. Since we're doing this the hard way lets put a clock on it shall we?" He said. "Twenty minutes. If Bonnie hasn't found it a solution by then i want you to feed again. Only this time i want you to feed on Elena. You know you want to."

"Klaus. Don't do this to him." Amelia begged. 

"No one leaves. If she tries to run, fracture her spine." Klaus said leaving the gym.

Elena began to tremble, or really more then she already was. "Caroline's dad. Stefan, he was able to resist compulsion." Elena said. 

"It doesn't work like that for vampires, an originals compulsion is final. He'd have to die to resist it." Amelia told the two.

"Amelia you have to help me. I can't kill her." He begged. 

"Stefan i can't break my brothers compulsion. And for me to do a spell it just wont work." she told him. He grabbed her, pulling her into a hug. Shocking both girls. 

"What was that for?" She asked him. 

"For being here. For not telling your brother about Elena. For staying with me..." He trailed. 

"Stefan, I'm leaving. Elena will make it out of here. But i know you, i know you want to protect her. " Amelia told him.

"You can't leave." Stefan said. 

"Elena when that count down goes off i want you to run, Okay?" She told Elena. "I will stop Stefan. But you need to get out of here." 

And when the count down went off Elena ran, and to stop Stefan Amelia pulled him into a kiss that made him forget all about Elena and his compulsion. 

Stefan pulled her closer to him, the mate bond getting stronger. His need for her strong. His love for her strong. He began to kiss her neck, whispering 'i love you.' 

Klaus stormed into the room, Elena in toe. They both saw the two mates kissing. "Now this is fascinating. The only thing stronger then your craving for blood is your love for my sister. Why don't you turn it off?" Klaus asked. 

"No." Stefan said, putting Amelia behind him noticing the anger radiating off Klaus toward his sister.

"Come on. Your humanity is killing you." Klaus stated. "All the guilt must be exhausting. Turn it off."

"No." Stefan grunted. 

"Stefan." The doppelganger whispered, glaring at Amelia. 

"You're strong, but you're not that strong." Klaus said. 

"Turn it off." Klaus said. Each word with empathize.

"No!" Stefan shouted and pushed Klaus. 

 "Turn it off!"? Klaus compelled. 

"Brother please! Don't do this!" Amelia screamed.

But it was too late. Stefan's emotions were off. "What did you do?" Elena asked the two supernatural. 

"I fixed him." Klaus said as Amelia cried. "But i think a test is in order, don't you? Ripper. Perhaps you'd like a drink from the doppelganger's neck."

And he did, with no remorse. That was the last resort for Amelia and she left. But Klaus had other plans. Klaus daggered her in the back, "Looks like my witch is better then you." He said as she collapsed in his arms.

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