Chapter Seven

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That night Stefan and Amelia completed their mate bond, one that had broken due to Klaus' compulsion was now completely repaired. When everyone found out that Stefan was married to Amelia everyone felt bad for Elena, as always. 

Everyone was getting their suits fitted as Amelia and Rebekah got their nails painted. "Rebekah, Amelianna, tell me how handsome i am." Kol said. 

"Oh, Kol you know we can't be compelled." Amelia said, making Stefan laugh and Kol to glare daggers at the boy. Nobody had brought up the fact that she told everyone they were married. 

"You went after Elena?" Klaus asked coming in. "What is wrong with you?" He asked.

"Here we go." Rebekah smirked.

"Do you want another dagger in your heart?" Klaus asked Rebekah. 

"Again with the dagger threats?" Kol asked sarcastically. "Don't you have any other tricks?" Kol asked his brother. 

"Oh, go back to staring at yourself." Klaus snapped. 

"And who are you, My father?" Kol asked. As Stefan just stared at Amelia. 

"No, Kol. But you are in my house." Klaus said.

"The perhaps we should go outside." Kol said getting up, Amelia frowned she didn't want Kol to get hurt she was still rather mad at Klaus.

"Enough." Ester called. "Niklaus. Come." She said, leading Klaus out of the room.

"So now that Klaus is gone, we can talk about you, Little sister." Kol said, staring at Amelia. "So who is this Amelianna?" Kol asked. 

"Dear brother, this is my mate. And please i haven't gone by Amelianna in centuries. Call me Amelia or Mia." She told her brother with a stern voice. 

"Where did you meet?" Kol asked, although everyone wanted to know the answer.

"Near mystic falls, 1866" She told him. 

"When were you married?" He asked.

"1868, Brother are you quite done." She asked.

"Why didn't he mention anything to me, or why was he with Elena?" Elijah asked. 

"Because, Klaus compelled him to forget." She said, "Now if you excuse me i have to buy a dress." And with that she left. When she left Stefan went upstairs to write in his diary. 

Everyone noticed the new girl on the youngest Salvatore's arm, they noticed her beauty and the pure happiness that radiated from them

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Everyone noticed the new girl on the youngest Salvatore's arm, they noticed her beauty and the pure happiness that radiated from them. 

Elena's plan was to outshine Amelia but that wasn't going to happen. She watched as the two smiled lovingly at eachother. Even as she held onto Damon's arm Stefan paid her no mind. 

"If everyone could gather please." Elijah called, as all the Mikealson's and Stefan made their way on to the stairs. "Welcome thank you for joining us." Elijah greeted. "You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance. Tonight's pick is a centuries-old waltz. So if all of you could find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ballroom." 

Stefan brought Amelia to the dance fall, smiling as he did so. "You're gorgeous." Stefan told her.

"Thank you, Stefan, for choosing me." She told him. 

"It will always be you. No matter who you are, because i love you." She told him and it was true. 

The next person she was spun into, was Damon Salvatore, she looked into his eyes "Now you remember me." She told her once best-friend. Amelia noticed Stefan and Elena dancing. 

"Don't worry, My brother loves you." Damon told his best-friend. "It's pretty obvious." 

Elena stared into Stefan's eyes, "I know you love me, so why are you with her?" She asked him.

"Because i love her, not you Elena." He told her, and then the dance ended and Stefan walked back to Amelia. 

"You know, i really like your name Amelianna." He told her, making her blush. 

"You know Mr Salvatore, i love you." She told them and they were soon in her bedroom making love over and over again.

Not before she too a drink of champagne, linking herself with her siblings. 

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