Chapter Two

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"There has to be more to this dress!" Rebekah exclaimed

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"There has to be more to this dress!" Rebekah exclaimed. Not liking the new found fashion.

"There's not." Amelia laughed, a laugh that made Stefan smile. But he quickly covered it up again.

"So women in the 21st century dress like prostitutes, then?" Rebekah snapped.

"Hey, i like the new clothes." Coming out looking like a supermodel. She wore a grey sweater that came of one of her shoulders a black skater skirt and thigh high black boots.

 She wore a grey sweater that came of one of her shoulders a black skater skirt and thigh high black boots

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"I got dirty looks for wearing trousers." Rebekah said, not realizing only Klaus was listening because Stefan was staring at Amelia.

"You wore trousers so women today could wear nothing." Klaus said, making Amelia giggle lightly as Stefan continued to stare at her and she began began to blush heavily.

"And what is this music. This music sounds like a cable car accident." Rebekah moaned. 

"It's dance music." Stefan told her. 

"Bexs stop being so grouchy." Mia pouted. Causing Stefan to laugh lightly. 

"People dance to this?" Rebekah asked, completely ignoring her sister.

"Are we done?" Klaus asked.

"And why are you so grumpy?" Rebekah asked her hybrid brother.

"I needed one thing from you for my witch to find out why my hybrids were dying. One thing. Your necklace. And you lost it." Klaus states.

"I didn't lose it. It's just been missing for 90 years." Rebekah states defensively. 

"If anything Klaus it's your fault for daggering her." Mia states.

"Really? And what is it i need from you?" Klaus asked in anger. 

"Well, you need to channel me. Mother cannot be called unless i am present.  And in this moment of time i don't fancy being helpful right now." Mia states.

"So what do you think?" Rebekah asked Stefan. Which slightly angered Mia. Rebekah is trying to mess with her.

"I like it." Stefan lied. It did look hideous on Rebekah. "What? I said i like it." Stefan said. 

"I can always tell when you're lying." Rebekah snapped.

"Nice one. Good work." Nik said, making Amelia giggle lightly. 

"You were the one who pulled the dagger out of her." Stefan added. Making Amelia laugh.

"I heard that." Rebekah called, making Amelia laugh more.

"Alright. I'm gonna get some fresh air." Stefan said, putting his champagne down.

"I'm coming with you! Klaus and Rebekah do my head in." Amelia said making both siblings say good riddance. Stefan smiled at the girl, but was now worried. How could he protect Elena?

They both got outside and noticed Katherine. 'Great' Stefan thought sarcastically. She tilted her head, signalling for them to follow her.

"What the hell are you doing here? Kat, if Klaus finds you i wont be able to protect you again." Amelia said, completely shocking Stefan. 

"You two look chummy." She said to the two, completely ignoring what Amelia had just warned. 

"If he finds out you're in Chicago, you're dead." Stefan stated. 

"Happy to know you still care. So tell me if i'm wrong, Rebekah's necklace that Klaus it looking for that's the necklace you gave to Elena." Katherine stated, making Mia frown. That necklace was going to get the latest doppelganger killed. 

"Goodbye Katherine." Stefan said.

"Hey, hey wait." Katherine said, grabbing Stefan's arm. "You're up to something. Tell me." Katherine practically begged.

"They don't know where the necklace is. I have to keep them from figuring it out." Stefan stated, wearily looking at Amelia. "I have it all under control."

"Please tell me you have a better plan then that." Mia said. Again, shocking Stefan.

"You do." Katherine added. "Come on, Stefan, you're not the diabolical type. Whatever you're planning its not going to work." She told him.

"Well if the most diabolical woman i know can't seem to figure it out then i must be doing something right." He teased.

"Uh-huh. I forgot. You're bad now." Katherine stated. "Don't get too cocky. Klaus is smarter then you. He's smarter then everyone." 

"He's not smarter then me, my brother may be a bastard but so am i." Mia said, making katherine frown. "Have you forgotten Katarina. I'm the Original tribrid, and now Klaus has taken away that stupid diamond dagger i am free. My brother and Step father have taken too much from me. No one is smarter then me." She stated, shocking both Katherine and Stefan. 

"Now, if you excuse us we have to stop a witch from finding out the Doppelgangers alive." She said, making Stefan frown even more. 

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