Chapter Six

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She had been asleep for weeks, and Stefan missed her. Elena hadn't told anyone about Stefan and Amelia's kiss. But Stefan couldn't bring himself to tell anyone. He had broke it off with Elena but of course she hadn't told anyone. Stefan Salvatore no longer cared for Elena Gilbert so when Damon and Elena kissed he didn't care. Being locked in a box with a special dagger is like being set on fire over and over again. 

"Elijah. Why haven't you left?" Klaus asked with suspicion. 

"Well, where are your manners, brother? We forgot dessert." Elijah states, gesturing to the made who had a platter that was covered up. When he uncovered it, there were two daggers.

"What have you done?" Klaus asked. 

"What have you done? See, I've learned not to trust your vulgar promises, Klaus. We're doing this on my terms now." Elijah said. And all of a sudden Kol came round the corner. 

"Kol..." Klaus said, putting his hands up.

"Long time, brother." Kol said. 

"Finn, don't... Aah" Klaus screamed as Finn stabbed him in the hand. 

"Rebekah." He said fearfully.  She also stabbed him and as he was down. Amelia stabbed him straight into his back. "This is for our mother."Rebekah said.

"This is for me, you bastard." Amelia snarled.

"You're free to go. This is family business." Elijah smirked.

"Wait, Stefan." Amelia said, "Stefan is family." She said confusing everyone but Stefan.

"How so sister?" Elijah asked, very confused. 

"I married him brother." She said, and Damon rushed out the door at Vampire speed. 

"Well well well..." Kol said menacingly. 

"Not now brother." Rebekah snapped angrily. "I like what you've done with the new place, Nik." She said as she picked up a vase and threw it.

"I wanted it to be for all of us." Klaus said. 

"A place we could all call home. A place we could all be a family." Klaus said, making Amelia scoff as Stefan hugged her from behind the both of them missing each others touch. "None of us would ever have to be alone again." 

"Well, you're right. None of us will be." Elijah states.

"You're staying behind."Finn states.

"We're leaving you, Nik... right after i kill that doppelganger wench." Rebekah states. 

"Then you will be alone. Always and Forever." Amelia said.

"If you run, i will hunt all of you down." Klaus said.

"And then you'll become everything you hate. Our father." Amelia stated. As she leaned into Stefan's warmth. Who was kinda scared of the situation at hand.

"I'm the hybrid! I can't be killed! I have nothing to fear from any of you." Klaus screamed.

"You will when we have that coffin." Elijah states.

But then suddenly the door opened. Making them all turn around. "Mother." Amelia whispered in fear. 

"Look at me." She said sternly to Amelia and Klaus. Amelia cowered at her mothers voice. "Do you know why i'm here?" She asked the two. 

"You're here to kill us." Amelia whispered, a single tear rolling down her face, Stefan rushed to hold her. But was held back by Elijah.

"Niklaus, you are my son. And i am here to forgive you. Amelianna, i know the things you have done are not of your control. I want us to be a family again."

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