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Summer POV

Then from a far distance away we can here a door opening

"Oh no what that" I said as my heart is racing at a hundred miles an hour

"Oh no I forgot" said Freddy

"Freddy if you don't tell me who that is I am going to shave your head" Freddy turns around to make a horror look at me. Not because there is someone here it because I threaten to shave his hair

"It the music teacher, he is such a weirdo, he love the school so much that he sleeps here" said Freddy with a concerned look on his face "if he finds us we could get suspended"

SUSPENDED I can't get suspended. I just got here

"Look summer just go and wake up to two love birds over there" as he points at Tomika and Zack "I will go and look if he is in sight"

I walk over to Tomika and Zack giving them both a push, they both woke up

"Guys get up. There is a teacher in the school and we can possible get suspended if he catches us" I said

"Ok I am getting up" as they both say at the same time

I see Freddy giving us a signal to follow him. We did. We quietly tiptoed through the halls. Then footsteps came towards us and they sounding like they were running. As the footsteps grew louder and louder my heart started getting faster and faster.

"Go go go" said Freddy while running

We all started to follow him we were running a like jaguars.... well to me it felt like that. As running as fast as we could we could still here the fort steps still coming towards us. We could barely see because all the lights were turned off (I can only see the rest of the guys because I am so close to them).I don't even know how this person could possible see us. We made a sharp turn. As we were running we were able to look we were also running pass some classes. As we were I noticed on of the classroom lights were on and someone was in it. He was wearing a shirt and tie and had ling hair and a bread.

Then at that moment someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into a room and turned on the lights. To my relief it was Freddy and Tomika was over there beside Zack. Freddy then turned off the lights and grabbed my hand. While the lights were on I noticed that we were at a stair case. My and Freddy along with Tomika and Zack ran up the stairs.

As we got to the top of the stair case I could notice that Freddy was climbing a ladder as he was dragging me up it. We started climbed I could hear Tomika and Zack below us.

When we all made it to the top I could see that we were on the school roof. After Zack being the last person to climb the ladder Freddy ran over to lock the door which was the only entrance to get to the roof

"Omg thanks god we are safe" I said with huge relief

"Ya I know right" said Freddy

"Wait Freddy didn't you say that the music teacher was the only person in the school"

"Eh ya, why?"

"Well as we were running past the class rooms I notice a teacher that was wearing a shirt a tie that had long hair and a beard"

"Summer" said Tomika "that was the music teacher"

Oh no then who was that chasing them. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and leave in the comments what would you rather have longer chapters but have it twice a week or have shorter chapters but have them everyday. Ok bye

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