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Freddy POV

I saw one of the most disturbing things in my life on Summer phone it said.

Why are you so ugly and have no friends

When you are in Austin I am going to find you and you know maybe do a couple of bad things to you

There was no responses after that. I look to see who this was but it was a block number. Who would saw something like this to Summer she is so nice, she wouldn't hurt a bug.

I put the phone down and just thought to myself.

Within the next 20 minutes summer started to wake up.

"Mom is that you?" Summer mumbled

"What..... no this is Freddy" I said

"Freddy?" Summer says while getting up "what happened?"

"Well when you were at the skate park with Tomika, and when you were skating you didn't know how to stop and pick crashed into Tomika"

"Omg is Tomika ok?" Summer says in a bit of a worried tone

"Yes Tomika is ok she is with Zack right now"

"Ok" Summer says "aww" as she felt a pain to her head

"What happens here?" Summer said

"Well since you were skating and you crashed you hit your head off the ground really hard and it started to bleed" I say

"Omg what happened then?" Summer says

"Well I had to ripped a bit of my shirt and put to your head" I say showing the piece that I ripped for Summer "so it Better be worth it" I says in a jokey manner as I start to laugh same as Summer

"Thanks Freddy" Summer says while looking at me

"Anytime buddy" as I punch her lightly in her arm. As she starts to laugh

"Hey Summer"


"Can I ask you a question?" I say

"Ya go ahead what is it"

"Why did you move to Austin?"

Summer froze in shock

"I'm not sure if I can tell you yet Freddy it is really personal"

I grab her hand

"Summer you can trust me with anything I promise I won't tell anyone, not even Tomika"

"Ok" Summer said " Well this all started about three years ago" "me and a other girl named Sarah were the best friends and we would always you to hang out at each other houses"

Summer POV

Flashback Three years ago

"Look Omg look who is coming over here" Sarah says

"Who is it?" I say

"It Joey, omg he might invite me to his party tonight" Sarah say with joy

"Hey Summer I was just wondering do you want to come to party tonight it is going to be class" joey says

"Ya sure what time?" I say


"Ya that suit me" I said

"But Joey what about me" Sarah said clearly jealous

"What about you?"

"Are you going to invite me?"

"No" Joey say confused while walking away  

"I can't wait for tonight yeesss" I say with delight

"Wait you are not going to that party with out me are you? You knew I liked him since 1st grade" Sarah say

"Come on this is my first party just let me go please" I said while begging her

"Fine go" she says

"Yess thank you" I say while hugging her

Two hours has skipped by now and I am at my locker and Joey started to approach me

"Hey Summer"

"Hey Joey"

"Can't wait for the party tonight" he says

"Me either"

Then he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him

"You know Summer I had a crush on you for a while now"

"You have?"

"Ya do you like me?"

Some much was gong through my head at this moment I couldn't think straight

"Ya I do"

All of a sudden we are kissing each other for about ten minutes

"Summer Hathaway WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!!" I hear a pound scream across the hall. It was Sarah

"Sarah it not what it look like" I says

"Oh it exactly what it looks like I You will regret this Summer I say you will REGRET THIS" then she stroked off

Flashback ends

"After That she kept on bullying me it got so bad that we had to move to Austin"

Freddy POV

So that explain the text it was that Sarah girl l, how dare she do that to Summer

Summer then started crying and I pulled her into a hug

"And what happened between you and Joey?" I said

"He wanted to protect me so we didn't date"

"Thanks Summer you are really brave for telling me that story"

I then calmed her down a bit and we talked about life for a while and then I looked at my watch and it was 11 o clock

"Oh god is that the time I better be gong home now bye Summer"

"Bye Freddy"

"Btw your mom should be here any minute now"

I walked out of the room backed to my house

"Hi Mom I am home"

"Hi Freddy it is getting a bit late now you might want to go to bed" my mom said

"Ok goodnight"

"Goodnight Freddy"

I start to walk up to my room my door was closed fully which was unusual because I never leave my door closed. Maybe my mom was in here.

I walk in and a shock of fear came to my face........

Hope you guys enjoyed the longest chapter so far

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Ok byeeee

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