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Freddy POV

After school me and Zack decided to go to the skate park, since we had nothing better to do.

I went to my house to drop my school bag off and get my skate board. Meanwhile Zack did the exact same thing.

We both met up at the skate park. When we were there we notice two familiar faces

"Oh great what is Summer and Tomika doing here" Zack groaned

"Why are you complaining, I thought you lie them now?" I said in a wondered tone

"It not that I don't want to see them, I just know that they are going to get super jealous of my skills and wanna copy me" Zack said making me laugh a bit

Then all of a sudden Summer skateboard drift towards Tomika

"Tomika watch out" cries Summer


A force of coleslaw of heads knocks them to the ground

"Oh no" said Zack running over to them along with me

"Guys are you ok" there was no respond. Suddenly Summer head started to bleed

"Oh no what will we do" said Zack in a worried voice. Only with seconds to think I ripped off a bit of my shirt and put it up to Summer head to stop the bleeding.

"I will call the ambulance" said Zack while picking up his phone

He walks off to talk to them.

With in five minutes they came. They lifted Summer and Tomika up and place them on a bed carrier.

"Are you guys friends with them" said one of the doctors

"Well I wouldn't say friend" said Zack. As soon as he said that I kicked him.
"Ya we are friends" with them quick to respond.

"Well" said the doctor "if you want you can come to the hospital with us"

"Ya sure" I said

We both got in the ambulance

"Don't worry Sum everything is going to be alright" I quietly whispered to Summer, while holding her hand


We arrived at the hospital not too long after that. They brought Summer and Tomika too two different rooms.

"Ok you will call Tomika Mom to tell her what happened" I said to Zack

"Well what about you? You don't even know Summer Mom" Zack said confused

"Don't worry, I will just get summer phone from he pocket and just ring her" I said calmly

"Ok, we'll see ya"


I walk into summer room and she is on the bed.

"She should be waking up in the next hour along with her friend" said the doctor

"Thank you" I said while the doctor walking off

I could see Summer phone was on her disk. I reached out to grab it. I swipe across to unlock the phone and to be honest I got lucky that there was not lock on it.

I go into to messages to find her Mom contacts. I clicked on the contact to see what her phone number is. I typed down her phone number on my phone. (I didn't want to call her on Summer phone or else she would think I am a creep)

It starts to ring

"Hello this is Freddy Summer friend, today Summer has a bad accident at the skatepark and hurt her head"

"Oh my god is she all right?" Summer Mom says in a worried voice

"Don't worry Summer is fine along with  her friend Tomika, we are in the hospital now if you wanna come down"

"I be there as soon as I can, and thanks for calling Freddy"


Then she hangs up. I notice summer phone was still on. I just thought to myself to have a brief look at her messages. Besides she is never going g to find out.

I was scroll down through the text messages to fine something that will probably forever disturb me.....

What was it? Find out next time

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