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Freddy POV

I open the text to see that it said


Nothing else just that. I don't know what they mean by that it could mean anything that all I can know.

Oh no, what if they mean that one off my family member is gone.

I start to run home to see if everything is alright.

I barged through the door.

"MOM" I scream

My mom peeks her head around the kitchen door.

"Freddy, you don't need to shout" my mom said quiet mad.

"Oh sorry" I say walking upstairs

"Is everything alright?" Mom says

"Ya" I reply in a blank tone.

"What does that mean "gone" what is gone?"I mutter to my self now in my room "wait maybe that creature that tried to kill me is finally gone"

I shut the door and watch TV for a couple hours until I went to sleep.


The next morning

The following morning was like any other morning I got up, had a shower,got dressed,ate breakfast, brush my teeth's, and left for school.

Going into school today I was much more happier. Today I was happy because of the "gone" text that I got yesterday.

Finally I can breath with out stress hanging over my head.

Again today I see Zack sitting on the bench waiting for me.

"Hey Zack, what up" I says giving him a hand shake

"Ummm hi Freddy" he says

I can tell that he was very confused about what just happened.

"So em Freddy" Zack says "what was wrong with you this whole time?"

"Zack that is nothing we should be worrying about today come on let go to class" I say forcing him to follow me.

We are now walking the the hall with a bunch of cheerleaders following us. But today there was something weird.

Zack was not talking at all to any of the cheerleaders. I wonder what wrong with him?


We are now sitting in class waiting for Mr Finn.

We are about 25 minutes into the lesson until I notice there was a empty seat in the room.

The seat is right beside Tomika who is looking a bit upset.

I know Zack and I haven't talk to her properly in the past number of years but I feel that this is right to sit next to her.

I get up and sit beside her.

She look's up.

"What do you want?" She says in a cross/upset voice.

"Look, I know that me and Zack haven't been the greatest friends to you" I say before getting interrupted

"I forgive you" She says trying to hold back your tears.

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