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Freddy POV

"So what do you say"

"Fine" Zack's says while standing up "but if I die then my family will sue your family" as he points at me.

"Haha ok,Tomika what about you?"

"I say we kill this psychopath"

"Yeeess" I said

"Ya but one question Freddy" Zack's says "how are actually meant to get there?"

"Ya none of us have are driving license" reply's Tomika

"I never actually thought that true"I say

A few minutes of silent was sonly interrupted by Tomika

"I got it" She says "we can ask Lawrence to drive us up there"

"Tomika, Lawrence does not have a driving license"Zack's commentated smirking at the end of the sentence.

Tomika starts walking closer and closer to him.

"Look you moron, Lawrence might not have a driving license but you know who does has one"


"He older brother who is the splitting image of Lawrence" she says "and that is going to be are ticket to get up there"

"But but emmm" Zack says not thinking of his sentences

"Yes Tomika, you see Zack why can't you be more like Tomika" I say making Zack get madder.

"We will ask Lawrence tomorrow, he is are only hope to get up there" I said again

"We just got to hope that he will say yes" as Tomika pray

The night drag on. We did not feel safe leaving the house since there was a freak on the louse.

"Where exactly is this place?" Zack finally speaks after getting shut up by Tomika

"Emmmm" Tomika pulls up the map "it is a city in northern Texas called Wichita Fall"

She looks up.

"That where she must be keeping Summer"

All of us soon went to sleep on the floor in the living room

The next day

We woke up and Zack and I went back to are house to get ready for school.

I walked into the house trying not to wake my parents up.

I walk in the kitchen to see my mom standing there with her arms crossed.

"FREDDY JONE'S I WAS WORRIED FROM HEAD TO TOE ABOUT WHERE HAVE BEEN" as she yells at me "How could you do this to me"

"Mom Look am I sorry" said by me in a sorry tone "I promise it won't happen again"

"Fine, I won't ground you because this rarely happen" as she stairs at me "but where were you?"

"Emmmm" I say shyly "I was at that girl in my class Tomika house"

"Oh her what a lovely girl she is haven't seen her in ages"

"Ok got to go" as I sprint up stairs to my room

I hear my mom talking to her self down stairs

"Well that was weird"

I slammed my door shut started getting ready for school.

As I was putting on my shirt, a text came to my phone.

My heart dropped.

I slowly approach my phone to see the text came from Tomika.

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