chapter 1

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chapter 1

jungkook had just come home from his weekly grocery shopping. it was a friday evening and he was looking forward to do what he did every night, light candles and read the book he was currently reading. he had just finished putting the last milk carton in the fridge when it started.

jung hoseok, jungkook’s neighbour in the apartment above his, had loud parties every weekend. this had been going on ever since hoseok moved in, about half a year ago. but since jungkook wasn’t really the most social person, he had never thought about joining, or even daring to ask if they could turn the music volume down.

he could hear more and more people pushing to get into hoseok’s place. jungkook was getting worried, the place might burn down any minute. but he didn’t bother to do anything about it so he sat down in his old sofa, turned his own music on in his earpods and started reading.

a couple of hours passed and jungkook was lost in his own book, until something new happened. someone was knocking on his door. jungkook had one friend: namjoon, and he would never show up without calling first since he knows that jungkook values his alone time.

he stood up, walked to the front door and took a deep breath before unlocking the door and taking a small peek of who it could be. no one was there, but there was a puddle of vomit on his doormat. jungkook was mad this time. this was too much, he had to stand up for himself.

jungkook was just about to step outside when he realized that he was wearing pyjama pants with a duck pattern, not the most flattering outfit. he changed to his regular jeans, a white t shirt and a beanie to cover his messy hair. the nerdy glasses stayed on since he really liked them.

he began walking up to his neighbours door. he was really nervous, there could be any type of people there and he didn’t want to get involved in any trouble. the door was completely open and he could already see the crowded mass of drunk and high people. now he just had to find hoseok, who he had only seen a few times in the laundry room.

jungkook began searching for the read headed boy. people tried to grab him, wanting to dance and calling him things like “cutie”. after a few minutes he almost gave up, but then all of a sudden someone bumps into him from behind. jungkook turns around and there he is. hoseok, drunk, but still looking more sober than anyone else jungkook had seen this evening.

“heyy, i recognize you, have we met before? have i made out with you sometime?” hoseok starts, trying to stand straight.

“ehm, no we’ve never made out. i’m your neighbour jungkook and i’ve come to complain about the loud noise, and the vomit on my doormat.” he answers trying not to stutter.

hoseok sighs. “too bad, you’re awfully cute” he smirks and then grabs jungkook’s arm and leads him out of the apartment to the more quiet stairwell. “let’s sit down, i’ve had a few drinks.”

jungkook starts fiddling with his hands, that’s what he always does when he’s nervous or uncomfortable. he’s never talked to a drunk stranger before. and unfortunately hoseok is really good-looking which makes things even more difficult.

“so why are you here again? i thought you wanted to join us.” hoseok mumbles.

“i would like you to be more quiet… the noise is really bothering me. and like i said, someone vomited on my door mat and i’m really disgusted by that.” jungkook tries to sound confident.

“sorry if we’re bothering you, but i can’t really do anything about the people, they show up and i can’t really tell them all to be quiet, can i?” hoseok chuckles.

jungkook sighs, feeling really stupid for even trying. “i guess.”

“have you ever been to a real party, jungkook?”

“ehm not really.” jungkook blushes, hoseok probably thinks he’s a really boring person now. jungkook never had a lot of friends in high school, especially friends who went to parties.

“wow, are you sure you don’t want to join then, it could be a lot of fun with someone new? i’d like to get to know my neighbour better.” hoseok nudges his shoulder and looks at him with puppy eyes.

“maybe some other time, but thanks for the offer.” jungkook declines with a small smile. hoseok seems like a decent person, making it hard for jungkook to stay mad.

“okay then, pretty boy, i’ll try to quiet them down.” hoseok answers and gives jungkook a peck on the cheek before heading back inside.

Soo this was the first chapter of this book, it's my first one... I hope you like it. If you do please comment and I'll try to update asap :)

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