chapter 14

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chapter 14

hoseok woke up to someone ruffling his hair. “hyung, we’re here.” he had fallen asleep in jungkook’s lap and after hundreds of stoppings at different road shops they had reached the woods. since they couldn’t drive any longer they had to walk to the place where they wanted to camp.

namjoon shoved all of their bags out of the car.

“are we just supposed to walk into the woods without direction? what if we get lost? didn’t anyone think this through?” jimin asked, slightly panicked.

“i did. that’s why we have these…” jungkook answered, picking up small pieces of yarn. “we tie these on a few trees along the way so we can follow them back the car.”

“wow. smart. have you camped a lot before?” jimin answered, making conversation with jungkook as they began walking. jin, namjoon and yoongi followed them, leaving hoseok and taehyung to walk in the back of the line.

“so you and jungkook are a thing now?” taehyung asked to break the silence.

“we haven’t really discussed that part yet. but we’re heading somewhere…” hoseok answered, being honest. a part of him wanted to lie to taehyung, to avoid hurting him. but he also knew that he wanted taehyung to move on, for real this time, and lying wouldn’t make that happen.

“okay. you seem happy, and that makes me happy as well.” the other answered, looking down while walking.

“taehyung. i’m sorry for acting like such a dick. i lead you on while liking someone else, i should’ve stopped you before you could get hurt again.” hoseok answered, making eye contact with taehyung, who putted a hand on the older’s shoulder.

“hey. i’m fine, honestly. finding out about you and jungkook wasn’t easy, but i’m moving on. and i would like us to be friends, at least for now because the others seem to get along really well.”

hoseok smiled, feeling weight lift off his shoulders. “i think we should be friends too.”

they got cut off by someone shrieking. it was jin who stopped in front of them jumping up and down while waving his hands in the air. screaming “get it off! get it off!”. namjoon desperately tried hitting on jin’s back, where there was a big green beetle.

“chill. it’s just a beetle, jin.” jungkook said. sighing, picking the beetle of off jin’s back, who looked at it with disgusted eyes.

“how are you supposed to survive in a tent?” yoongi, commented, giggling at jin but shrieking as well when jungkook held the bug in front of his face.

“hey, guys. isn’t this a great camping place?” taehyung said. he pointed in front of them where there was a small lake and a big spot without trees.

“yes! we’ve found our spot! set up your tents, boys. wait how many tents do we have?” jin asked in confusion.

“it seems like we only have three.” jimin answered. they all looked at each other as if they tried to figure out who would sleep with who.

namjoon grabbed jin’s hand. “no one joins us.”

“no one here wants to join the two of you.” yoongi said sassily. “since the three of us are not in a couple, we’re sharing one tent.”

jungkook and hoseok smiled at the thought of them sleeping together in a small tent.

“great! let’s settle them up then. who wants to fix a campfire?” jin asked. that jin took the mom role in the group surprised no one and since the others could skip the big responsability, none of them complained.

“i’ll do it.” namjoon answered and began to pick up sticks from the ground.

“oh, namjoon darling, that’s probably not the best idea. jungkook, hoseok, maybe you can set up a fireplace?” jin said, ignoring namjoon’s grumpy expression.

jungkook and hoseok nodded and left the others to set up tents.

“i’ve never done this before. what do we need?” hoseok asked, looking at jungkook who began focusing on the ground.

“we need big rocks, sticks and bigger branches. everything needs to be as dry as possible.” jungkook answered with a smile. hoseok nodded and began searching as well.

“so what were you and taehyung talking about earlier?” jungkook asked, trying not to sound too jealous.

“oh we just decided to be friends. and he said he’s moving on, so that’s good.”

jungkook walked closer to the older and took his hand. “does that mean that we can truly work on this “thing” between you and me now?” he looked into hoseok’s eyes and looked for confirmation.

hoseok reached up the last centimeters and kissed jungkook gently. he could feel the crazy butterflies and there was no hesitation to his answer. “this “thing” is already happening.”

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