chapter 15

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chapter 15

it was getting darker and after a long hour of fixing a campfire jungkook finally succeeded, with a little bit of help from hoseok. “finally!” they hurrayed.

jin came running with food in his hands. “omo yes! can we cook this now?”

“i guess. but we’re not doing it. this was difficult enough.” hoseok answered and grabbed jungkook’s hand, standing up. “let’s go somewhere else. alone.”

they left jin with what he did best and hoseok began leading jungkook towards the lake. the sky was turning a darker purple colour and the coming moonlight made the water shimmer. they sat down at the end of the small jetty made of wood, still holding hands.

hoseok sighed. “i love it here. it’s so peaceful.” jungkook smiled and rested his head on the older’s shoulder for a few minutes.

“do you like swimming, jungkook?”

“what?” jungkook sat up straight and looked at the smirking boy beside him. hoseok pushed him into the water. as soon as jungkook fell in he came back up again, shrieking because of the cold temperature.

“hoseok! i’m gonna kill you!” he said loudly but hoseok just sat there giggling while jungkook tried to grab his legs. the older held the wood under himself tightly, doing his best not to fall in.

“chicken.” someone said from behind him and pushed the shrieking hoseok into the water. it was yoongi who after that ran away with an evil laugh.

“it’s so cold!” hoseok screamed and clinged onto jungkook, who was getting used to the temperature. they could stand on the bottom but the water reached their shoulders.

“karma.” he answered and laughed at the desperate boy, but then embraced him in a hug. they stood like that for a while before hoseok pulled away.

“hey, look.” he said, swimming under the jetty and dragged jungkook with him. it was dark and they could barely see each other, but it was a cozy feeling, hiding from the other boys. there was a moment of silence, the only thing being heard was the guppy sound of the water and their chilly breaths.

they got close and hoseok pulled jungkook in for a hot kiss. the younger kissed back without hesitation, inviting the older’s tongue into his mouth. hoseok pushed jungkook up against one of the wood piles of the jetty, earning a turned on groan.

the cold water stopped being a problem. hoseok’s hand searched under the water and sneaked in under jungkook’s hoodie. the younger had his arms around the older’s neck while he had started leaving small love bites on jungkook’s neck.

“oh my…” the younger moaned and moved his head, giving hoseok more access.

“omg we thought you had drowned!” someone said loudly.

the two stopped their make out session, trying to catch their breaths without looking too guilty. hoseok turned around and saw jimin’s upside down head, he was laying above them on the jetty.

“you perverts. sneaking away like that… perfect place for it though. aren’t you cold?” jimin kept on talking, ignoring the love birds’ annoyed faces.

“what do you want, jimin?” jungkook asked, blushing.

“dinner is ready.” he smirked and disappeared.

hoseok gave jungkook a last kiss. “maybe we should go up and change first.”

“that sounds like a good idea.” jungkook giggled and they got out of the water, walking back to the tents.

“look! they’re back! hey jungkook, you got something on your neck.” namjoon joked, earning a killer look from the younger.

when hoseok and jungkook had changed to dry clothes and were wrapped in blankets they all formed a circle around the fire. jin looked at them proudly, since he managed to warm up the soup and the rest of the food on a campfire, something he had never accomplished before. “don’t be shy, eat!” he said and the hungry boys began to throw themselves over the food.

after dinner namjoon brought out beer, and they enjoyed watching the fire in silence. jungkook was really enjoying himself, and began humming on a song that he had stuck in his head. they all looked at him surprisingly, mostly because the youngest had an incredible voice that none of them knew about. after a few seconds jimin joined in,. together with the rest of them as well.

hoseok looked at jungkook and smiled. how did he get so lucky? jungkook felt the same, not just because of meeting the boy with the sunshine smile, but because he probably had made friends for life.

So this was the last chapter! I didn't expect the story to be this short but I couldn't figure out what to write next, I had fun writing it though. Hope you all like it. Thank you for reading and hopefully I'll write another story in the future. :)

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