chapter 7

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chapter 7

the next weekday mornings jungkook had no problem getting out of bed. he usually worked the early period on the café, which started 9am. jungkook felt light as a feather and he was being more nice to the customers. it all changed since that night when he hanged out with hoseok. it made him happy to have a new person in his life, possibly a friend. but deep down jungkook knew that he wanted to get to know hoseok as more than a friend.

jungkook went out from the café’s kitchen and was about to take the next customer’s order when solar nudged his arm. “hey, a familiar someone was here just a minute ago. he wanted me to give you this…” she handed him a folded note.

jungkook eagerly unfolded it: you might as well have my number now, call me and we’ll know if i wrote the number correctly? ### :)

“hey solar, i’m just going to make a call, take this customer for me will you?” he said like it was a question and disappeared before solar could protest.

he dialed the number and hoped to god that it was hoseok’s number, otherwise he would be disappointed. “hello?” hoseok’s voice said on the other line.

“smooth…” jungkook answered with giggle.

“jungkook! you got the note… that means i also wrote the number correctly.” the fact that hoseok used this method made jungkook fancy him even more, and decided that he should be the one to make a move this time.

“you did. so do you want to meet up? i finish my shift in half an hour.” he begged that he wouldn’t be rejected, especially not by someone like hoseok.

“i’d love to. but since i’m working too… maybe tonight is better?” jungkook’s heart fluttered at the sound of hoseok’s voice lingering in the most flirty way possible. don’t get your hopes up, jungkook.

“yeah, tonight is good. are we taking a walk again?” he answered.

“sure! i’ll let you know when i’m home. see you tonight, pretty boy!” hoseok ended the call.

solar had been doing kissing motions in the background through the whole call. “it’s not like that, we’re just friends.” jungkook lied.

“kookie. please. you’re face is the shade of a tomato.” she sassily replied and left him with a pounding heart.


jungkook was lying in his couch, reading a book. he had being going through different scenarios all day about what they would do and what he could say to not sound like a dork. he heard a knocking on his door. standing up he took a deep breath and quickly fixed his hair.

hoseok embraced jungkook in a big hug. “finally. i had such a stressful day, how was yours?” he asked the younger boy. jungkook told hoseok about his day as they started walking outside. it was pouring down outside.

“shit. do you want to hang out at my place instead?” hoseok asked.

“ehm, yeah i guess.” jungkook answered.

even though jungkook had been there twice before he didn’t recognize much. because this time it was just the two of them.

“make yourself at home, sorry about the mess by the way.” hoseok said and started picking up clothes on the floor.

jungkook thought the apartment looked extremely clean and organized compared to his. “it’s okay. mine is worse.”

they sat down in the sofa, facing each other. for a minute or two there was a complete silence, both of them were trying to come up with something to do. jungkook fiddled with his fingers and hoseok just sat there looking at the younger.

“omo it’s late. have you eaten?” hoseok broke the silence and stood up.

“not really.” jungkook barely answered before hoseok ran out the kitchen, grabbing his phone.

“great! let’s order pizza!”

when the pizza arrived they once again settled down in the sofa with blankets. they were eating in silence, it wasn’t awkward in any way. there was just a comfortable silence filling the room.

“wow, you’re such a slow eater…” hoseok commented on jungkook who was sitting with his third slice while he had finished his pizza.

“it’s not good to eat too fast, hoseok.” he answered with a grin. “oh, and you got something on your chin.”

“where?” the older asked in confusion. “i bet you’re fooling me…”

jungkook chuckled and leaned forward, closer to wipe the tomato sauce off of hoseok’s chin.

“this feels like a scene in one of those dramas.” hoseok laughed, but stopped to gulp when jungkook licked the sauce off his finger.

“is something wrong, hyung?” jungkook asked. he knew that he was playing a bit innocent, but the look on hoseok’s face urged him.

hoseok cleared his throat and then smiled. “have you finished?”

“i guess…”

“don’t be stupid. i can see that you’re still hungry.” hoseok said and held a pizza slice in front of jungkook’s face, who took a bite. “such a baby…” jungkook shivered when hoseok said the word. baby. “i’ve never fed anyone on a date before.”

date. hoseok realized what he just had said and face palmed himself.

“did you just say date?” jungkook smiled at how cute hoseok was acting.

“uh well, if you want…”

jungkook cut him off. “don’t be stupid. of course it can be a date.”

Hello there! It seems like some of you like this story, and that makes me happy. So here is another chapter :)

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