chapter 3

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chapter 3

it’s been about a week since hoseok helped jungkook with the doormat. the older was honestly feeling a bit disappointed that jungkook hadn’t payed a visit. because hoseok meant it when he told jungkook to come by sometime. maybe he thought hoseok was annoying.

the two of them had said hi and hellos when passing by each other in the stairwell but neither of them dared to say more than that.

this friday night jungkook was going to have guests. at first it was going to be only namjoon and him, but namjoon wanted to invite two of his other friends: jimin and jin. they were both namjoon’s co-workers and after lots of begging jungkook finally agreed to letting them join. he could also sort of tell that namjoon had a thing for jin, and he didn’t want to ruin it for him.

so jungkook decided that he would cook for them, he wasn’t great in the kitchen but he did know how to make a pasta dish that his father taught him.

“namjoonie what time is it?” jungkook yelled. namjoon looked at his watch. “it’s almost 5 pm, they’ll be here any minute."

jungkook noticed namjoon’s clothing effort. he had borrowed one of jungkook’s white button down shirts and black skinny jeans. “you look nice. trying to impress someone? j-i-n maybe?” jungkook teased. “yah stop it, bunny.” namjoon answered annoyed, but his cheeks turned bright red.

they heard the doorbell ring and jungkook went to open the door, namjoon tensed up. two handsome boys stood outside the door with big grins on their faces. one was blonde and short and the other one had black hair and was taller. they greeted each other and namjoon gave them both a hug. they could all see clearly that jin was checking namjoon out, making namjoon blush even more. jungkook had never seen namjoon like this, usually when he liked someone he was very straight forward with his feelings but with jin there was something else.

they all gathered around the table enjoying jungkook’s pasta. “so jungkook what do you do?” jimin asked, trying to come up with a conversation topic.

“i work at the little café a block away, nothing special really.” jungkook answers. jimin was about to keep the conversation going when the music upstairs was turned on. right, it was friday.

“sorry about the noise, it’s my neighbour, he likes to arrange parties, sort of like gatsby haha.” jungkook apologizes.

“whoa, maybe we can join?” jimin asks, already excited.

“jimin, do you remember what happened at the last party we went to?” jin commented.

jimin looks down, a bit embarrassed. “it’ll be different this time, hyung.”

“i think it’s a great idea, right jungkook?” namjoon looks at jungkook with begging eyes. once again jungkook wanted to be a good friend and after a few seconds of thinking he said “fine”.

jimin cheered. jungkook wondered if he should change. but he didn’t want to seem like he cared too much so he kept his usual white t shirt and black jeans. they were now on their way up to hoseok’s loud apartment. jungkook recognized the song he’d heard on the radio multiple times, that was a plus because he liked justin bieber.

as soon as they walked through the open door his heart started pounding. there were so many people and he was just as surprised as he’d been the first time. namjoon turned around and mouthed a “thank you” before walking through the crowd with jin, leaving jungkook alone with jimin.

“do you drink, jungkook?” jimin asked with a grin.

“not really, but to make this easier i probably should. but just a little bit.” jungkook mumbled nervously. and so they tried to pass the drunk people into the kitchen. different bottles of alcoholic liquids covered the sink. jimin blended something with soda and handed it to jungkook who looked at it with a disgusted face.

a girl grabbed jimin by the arm and dragged him to the dancefloor, this time jungkook was left with no one.

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