chapter 6

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chapter 6

it was monday, the monday, early on the afternoon and hoseok was getting ready for meeting jungkook. he hadn’t really thought it through, did he expect it to be a date? no, maybe it was a little too quick for that. they barely knew each other. but hoseok really wanted to know more about this mysterious boy. he knew that they probably were pretty different from each other, but it didn’t hurt to find out.

hoseok was standing in front of his mirror, ready to leave. it was october and a bit chilly outside. walking towards the coffee shop he started to prepare mentally. hoseok was a social person, or he considered himself to be. he had his best friend, yoongi, who he hung out with most of the time, and if he wasn’t a social person he wouldn’t be able to have those parties. but he lost a lot of friends when he and his ex, taehyung, broke up a few months ago. so it was about time to find new friends.

now he was standing in front of the coffee shop where jungkook worked. he saw him through the windows, standing behind the cashier tapping on some buttons.

jungkook looked up from the cash register and saw hoseok standing outside, looking in. he smiled shyly and motioned for him to come inside. hoseok stepped inside where it was all warm and cozy and walked up to the younger boy.

“hello, one cup of jungkook, please.” he smiled, making jungkook all fuzzy inside.

“coming up.” jungkook smiled back and removed his apron. “solar, i’m leaving now.”

“wait what?” the girl named solar asked. “oh it’s the cute guy you talked about. hello!” jungkook sighed and mentally face-palmed himself for telling solar about hoseok.

hoseok said hello back and looked at jungkook with a small smirk. “do you want to go to another café maybe?” he asked.

“yeah, that’d be great.” jungkook answered a bit embarrassed. “bye solar!” they walked out the coffee shop and started to walk along the road.

“i hope you don’t find it weird that i asked if we could hang, i just found you sort of interesting and i want to get to know you better, if you don’t mind.” hoseok said.

“what, no not at all. i’m glad you asked, i just have never met a stranger like this before.” jungkook answered, trying not to sound too insecure.

hoseok chuckled at his response. not in a mean way, but mostly because jungkook was being honest. “then we should make the best of it. i know a place not too far from here.”

as they were walking they talked about their interests. jungkook found out that hoseok was into dancing, that he worked in a flower shop and that he hated horror movies. hoseok found out that jungkook loved reading, singing and that he was about three years younger than hoseok.

when they got to the small café they both ordered a coffee and sat down by a table in a corner. “so what did you think of the party last friday, i was a bit surprised that you showed up.” hoseok asked curiously.

“ehm, well it was mostly because of jimin that i came. but it was fun i guess..” he answered, thinking back to their dancing moment.

“yeah, i figured. you were fun to dance with.” they continued to talk about the party and all sorts of different stuff. both random and deep things. one of the café workers came to tell them that it was closing time. that was when jungkook noticed their legs touching. hoseok had sneaked one of his legs between jungkook’s and when they got up from their chairs they both felt like something was missing.

when they got out in the cold again, it was dark and the stars were clearly visible. “do you want to go home now or..?” hoseok asked, he didn’t want to force jungkook into hanging for another hour or two.

“if you want we can take a walk?” jungkook asked with a small smile. this time it was jungkook who knew a place he wanted to show hoseok.

“i’d love that.”

it was about 20 minutes of walking and it was a lot colder than before. but the view from where they were standing was worth it. they were on a big hill with a platform from where you could see the whole city. small lights covered the view and together with the stars it was beautiful.

“i come here a lot. usually just to think, but sometimes to read too.” jungkook said quietly, looking over at hoseok who was smiling.

“it’s beautiful. i’ve never been here before. but maybe i should do things like this more often.”

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