chapter 12

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chapter 12

the rest of the walk home was quiet, none of the boys said anything. them holding hands was enough said already. as they reached jungkook’s door they stopped. hoseok took his other hand and held them both between them. before saying goodbye he leaned forward, gently giving jungkook a kiss who met him halfway.

“i had a really nice time. i guess we’ll see other soon, jungkook...” hoseok said with a small wave and began walking upstairs until he stopped.

“bye.” jungkook answered but hoseok was already on his way back.

“can i stay with you for the night?” he asked with a smile. “oh, not like that. or well it’s not like i don’t want to but you know it might be too soon and… i’m rambling.”

“haha yeah i guess.” jungkook answered and unlocked his front door. they stepped inside the cozy apartment.

“sorry if i’m intruding or anything. i just don’t want the evening to be over.” hoseok said, being very honest.

“i don’t want that either.” jungkook answered with a big smile and led hoseok into the living room.

hoseok walked up to jungkook’s bookshelf which was stuffed with different sorts of books. “wow, you read a lot? do you have a favourite?”

“not really, it’s hard to choose. do you read?” jungkook answered, walking closely behind hoseok. even though he was worried before that the older might have seen him as a boring book nerd, jungkook felt confident when hoseok showed interest.

“i’ve tried to read multiple times, but i think i’m too impatient.” he laughed and turned around, facing jungkook who was closer than before. “maybe i need someone who can read for me?”

“i can do that, some other time…” jungkook answered and leaned down to kiss the boy in front of him. he wasn’t a person who had kissed a lot of people in his life, it had never been anything serious either. but with hoseok it was something else, he felt drawn to the older boy, and didn’t really care that much whether he was being pushy or not.

hoseok broke the kiss. “i think i really like you.”

“i think i really like you too.” jungkook answered, not being able to stop smiling.

“do you want to go away with me?” hoseok asked out of nowhere. “i don’t want to have a party tomorrow like i always do. let’s do something more adventurous. you, me and maybe a few friends?” he looked excited, like he had been thinking about it for days. but hoseok thought it would bring them both closer if they could experience something together, and jungkook thought so too.

“i love that idea.” he answered.

the rest of the night they spent in the bed, not going further than making out. but they cuddled and talked about the most random things and it was the perfect ending to a perfect day.

Hello! I don't really know where I'm going with this, but I'll figure something out. Hope you like it so far x)

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