Chapter 1

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Sapphire's POV

It was close to the end of eighth period. And next period was science the last period of the day and its Friday so YES. But Great class with Cameron. The bell finally rang. I grabbed my stuff. And walked out the door. Walked down the hallway. Then I suddenly got shoved into the lockers. I looked it was  Taylor and Aaron. "Really Taylor! Just knock it the hell off already! Ur not funny! And just cuz ur my brother dosent mean u have to treat me like this!" I yelled and everyone looked at me. I didn't care. I then started walking again. Then suddenly I felt something something hit my stuff and they went to the floor. Aaron just spiked me "What the fuck!" I said under my breath. I picked ,y stuff up and ran to science. I got to the door as soon as the bell rang. I went to go sit at my lab station with Cameron...Great.

"Whats that?" He asked pointing to something on my arm. I looked it was a bruise from the locker. It was four straight lines from underneath each other from the vent thing. "Oh its nothing....Taylor just shoved me into the locker....nothing new" I said shaking my head a little and rubbing the bruise. It hurt. "I'm sorry" he said touching it. I flinched cuz it hurt...and did he just really say sorry? Sorry? I can't really process that in my head. But if Taylor heard him say sorry he would have punched him in the face with no hesitation. So i finally nodded in response.

"Today you have the whole class to work on ur experiments." Mrs. Bûye said. (pronounced boy) with a smile. Great a full 45 minutes spent working with Cameron. Because for the past two he pretends to accidentally spill something on me. So today I'm gonna put my sweat shirt over my pants.

Okay so ten minutes have gone by of working and he hasn't spilled something on me yet. So I bet he is waiting until the end of class when I'll move my sweatshirt. "Sapphire do we put this in sample A or sample C?" Cameron asked snapping me out of my thoughts. I picked up the instructions and skimmed it. "Ahh...sample C" He nodded and poured some blue looking liquid into sample C which was like something that has those hard names to pronounce. We watched it for a minute. It started turning purple. I started writing the results.

"So ahh Sapphire wat are u doing after school?" he said I was a little confused.

"Ahh...let's see....avoid you Taylor and Aaron as much as possible and try to make it home before Taylor does" I said still writing. "

"Look Sapphire I'm sorry. I didn't mean it to get this far. What if I make it up to you by taking u to the movies or something." 

I had to think about that for a second...could he be serious or was it a joke. "How bout ahh....Ya no and could u hand me Sample F and that Green stuff please. thank u"

He handed me the stuff. "Why not?"

"Because I'm not stupid. I no this is a joke." I said while pouring the green stuff into sample F.

"Its not a joke. I swear. I just find u actually kinda...."

"Kinda what?" I said while slowly putting the green stuff back on the table and looking at him with confusion.

"Kinda....cute" He said turning away to look at the clock. "Thirty five minutes left really come on" he said under his breath.

Did he just call me cute? "Why am I all of a sudden cute to you? Ur the one who started to her my brother to hate me. We were so close he won't even look at me without laughing."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it for this to get out of hand"

"Really now? Ur wrose then Taylor and Aaron combined."

"I know and I feel bad"

"Why would u feel bad? I know u. U don't feel bad. Ur just trying to humiliated me even more."

"Is there a problem?" a voice said behind me...Mrs. Bûye

"No" me and Cameron said at the same time.

"Okay then get to work" she said walking away.

"Hand me sample B please" I said with over whelming sadness. He handed it to me and we spent the next half a hour in silence. And I'm surprised he didn't try to spill anything on me again.

The final bell rang. I walked out of the class room and to my locker that is on the other side of the school. The sucky thing is Cameron's. He is a locker down it goes mine and empty one his. So we are pretty much next to each other. I was halfway to my locker when I heard someone say my name. I turned around it was my friend Meghan.

"Sapphire! Is it true!"

"Is what true?"

"Ur going on a date with Cameron!"

"No! Where did u hear that from?"

"Cameron told me"

"You talked to Cameron?"

"No. He saw me and called me over. I was scared but I went over anyway. And he told me to tell u he'll be at ur house a seven."

"No. No. No. I told him no cuz I no its a joke."

"Well he's serious"

"God! I gotta go!"

"Bye text me later!" She yelled as I walked away.

I reached my locker. I put everything in my locker. Grabbed my phone and put it in my back pocket. I then took my agenda to see if I had any homework. Nope. So I put my agenda back in my locker. Yes I have to take nothing home! I thought to my self. I then slammed my locker shut. And turned to walk but Cameron was right there.

"Did u get my message from Meghan?"

"Yes. And fine I'll go if u leave me alone"

He didn't answer but he grabbed my arm the a pen and wrote something on my arm then walled away.

I looked at it. It was his number! I was so totally confused. And I can't believe I just said yes...I'm a idiot. I started walking again. "Sapphire! Come here" I heard someone yell.....Taylor with Aaron and oh look Cameron. But he looked a little sad. I then grabbed my phone out of my pocket and ran. I heard them running behind me. Thank god I've always been faster then Taylor.

I've been running for five minutes now. Its a good thing I'm in good shape. But damn wrong day to wear really tight skinny jeans. I was almost at the house. I quickly turned away. They weren't there. I stopped running and walked. And when I reached to house I opened the door and ran inside to my room and locked the bed room door. I went on my phone and called my mom. She answered on the second ring.



"When are u gonna be home?"

"Not till later this morning like 1:30"

"Where's dad?"

"He is in New York with his Girlfriend. Why?"

"Oh nothing"

"Well I have to go Sapphi love you"

"Love u too mom"

I hung up. I looked at my arm. I can't believe he gave me his number its kinda awesome and at the same time not. Its awesome cuz I kind of like him and its not awesome because he is a total douchebag. I then added his number in my phone. Then set my alarm for 4:30. I then passed out from all the running.

Bullied By My Brothers Friends (Taylor Caniff Cameron Dallas Aaron Carpenter)Where stories live. Discover now