Chapter 22!!!!!!! LAST CHAPTER!! SO ITS A BIT LONGER!!

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$Sapphires POV$

“Cameron? What are u doing” I asked.

He shrugged.

“Are u like my stalker now? I hope u know there a lot more girls out there that like u and I pretty sure u like some of them t so why do u keep hanging out around me?” I asked a little pissed.

“I like you and only u. Actually scratch that I love you and only you” he said stepping closer and putting his hand under my chin and lifting my face to his face. And planting a soft kiss on my lips. “And I thought u might need some company” he said pulling away.

“Well, while u rethink that ill be upstairs alone”


I walked inside without even answering him. But I guess he took it as a yes.

I went to my room and sat in my bed and ramdomly asked a question “So what happened with Alexis?”

He looked at me with surprised. “Well this is what happened…. She kissed me first!”

“Why did u kiss back?”

“I-I don't know?’

“Okay, Why do u like or I quote ‘love u and only u’”

“Because ur pretty. Ur smart. Ur smile is beautiful. Ur eyes are gorgeous. Ur hair is flawless and fun to play with. Ur personality is more than I ever thought it would be. And I love how you play hard to get.” He said with a smile.

“So u finally caught on?” I asked.  

Yes this whole time ive been playing hard to get. Aren't I good?

“Oh trust me after u came back from Montana that's when it started to show.”

Shawn oh my god I forgot about him. I picked up my phone still no message from him.

“So u wanna go out?” I just blurt with out even thinking.


“Um nothing”


“Um well this is awkward now.”

“Why” he asked coming and sitting next to me.

“Because we have don't this as a couple yet” I said with a smirk.

“Wha-“ but before he could finish I smashed his face into mine.

Bullied By My Brothers Friends (Taylor Caniff Cameron Dallas Aaron Carpenter)Where stories live. Discover now