chapter 11!!!!!!!

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Sapphire's POV°~

"What do u mean why am I here I've been here!"

"Kyle ur so weird I just don't get u sometimes"

"I know"

"Know but seriously I haven't left I been sitting in the living room the whole time. Even when u were gone."



"What?" He said turning around to Shawn.

"I thought u left?"


"Well we are about to watch a movie if u wanna join?"

"Sure!" He said running and jumping onto the bed.

And I just noticed a coach in the room.

"No ur on the couch" I said laughing.

"Awe! Come on I don't wanna be lonely"

"No!" Me and Shawn said at the same time.

"Ugh!!! Fine" Kyle said walking over to the couch.

"What do u wanna watch we have Lilo and Stitch or Forest Bump?" Shawn asked holding up the movies.

"Lilo and Stitch" I said.

"Oh. my. fucking. god. Lilo. and. Stitch." Shawn said with seriousness.

"Lilo and Stitch it is."

"YES!!! YESS!! OH MY FUCKING LORD YESS!!!"  Kyle said fangirling and rolling around on the couch.

"Kyle I swear I don't know who u are sometimes." Shawn said looking at him.

Shawn put the movie in. And came and cuddle with me.

We faced each other. His head was on top of mine.

And our hand intertwined underneath the blankets.

We were half way through the movie when Kyle was out and my phone started going off.

*I wish I was I wish I was Beside you*

I answered.


"Sapphire were the hell are you!"


"Ya! Were are the fuck are u!"

"At Shawn's"

"Come home now"



"No. I'm not a baby anymore. So stop treating me like one!"

"Sapphire Louise Caniff get ur ass on a plane now or I'll be over."


I hung up.

"Are u okay?"  Shawn said while rubbing my thigh.


"Do u like that word or something?"

"Shut up" i said jokingly.

We had one of those eye sex moments.

Then we leaned closer and closer.

Until they connected.

Our lips moved in perfect sync. Like they did earlier.

But suddenly he was climbing on top of me but not letting our lips disconnected.

He started taking off his shirt.

He looked at me with that look of do u wanna go through with this

I nodded in response. I don't know why though.

I mean like I know him for forever and Kyle was sleeping and so was his mom at least I think.

He started moving his hands slowly down my sides to remove my shirt while kissing down my neck.

"Are u sure u wanna do this?" he said with a smirk.

I nod again.

He finished undressing me. And then himself.

"I really love u Sapphire" he whispered in my ear.

"I love you too" I said back.

I never thought me and Shawn would actually do this.

I'm just lucky we didn't get caught.

Hey guys how's it going?

Well that was very interseting if I don't say so my self.

Well like I said some Things.

Were gonna happen.

And god I love Kyle!

He is actually based of my friend that's a girl.

Ya so hope you like the chapie!!!

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